Bbw's as girlfriends.........

Layla's comment about family is very interesting.

When it comes to strangers, who really cares what they think. After all in this current age, going out with a fat woman is hardly unusual. Friends may rib you a bit, but at the end of the day they are more likely to be concerned as to whether the new partner their friend has will stop them going out with their friends, more than what she looks like.

Family is different, I know as a parent that I'm concerned whether my children have chosen the right partner for many reasons. Therefore, if the relationship between parents and their children is good and even if the parent accepts their childrens choice, the children themselves may also look for a certain amount of approval from their parents.

I know that my mum never particularly liked my wife, for many reasons (my mum was very much a Peggy Mitchell type of person). But part of that was also that she thought I must have low self esteem for choosing a fat woman to be my wife. Although it was my choice and my mum knew that, she would often ask me am I really happy. I didn't want a rift to develop between my wife and my mum, however, they never did get on.

Cutting out your family in favour of a partner is very isolating and for certainly about 5-6 years I didn't see my mum that often, or attend many family gatherings. My dad also didn't particularly like my wife either, but was less vocal about it, but my wife knew how he felt.

Parents have no right to choose who their children want as partners, but sometimes they know their children more than the children know ourselves, but perhaps express themselves poorly at times. This can lead to a defensive nature when it comes to children wanting their partners to meet their parents.
11 years

Ff & masturbation addiction

User name wrote:
I masturbate like twice a day for up to three hours...

That's because I've trained the PC muscle soo much I can just keep going xD
Wow! Does that mean I should call you a wanker now!
11 years

What is 'health' anyway....?

You can always rely on softgirl to find the answers. As for chubbyhoney, you need to find someone who's not only good at it, but also takes your needs into account.
11 years


Bit of a drag that so many posts have been lost. Do now wonder how popular the new Curvage will be? The lifeblood of any site is it's general members, if it doesn't keep up a strong amount of the "your pictures/videos" section, it will become a totally different type of site and may lose it's soul.
11 years

What is 'health' anyway....?

Layla is right about the Pancreas struggling to deliver enough insuline around a larger body. However, I know that exercise is one of the things that is greatly encouraged when someone does have a high blood sugar level, or just generally in life for everyone. As sex is a great exercise, maybe we should be at it like rabbits. I'm sure most here wouldn't complain about having more sex.
11 years

What do you look for in vids?

Faces are very important, not always necessary, but when you see the persons face you see more of the real person. Expressions, particularly when it looks like you're really enjoying how fat you are make the video that much more erotic.
11 years

I'm being totally uncool....

Punk and Post Punk were absolutely necessary and have totally revolutionised music to the extent that their influence is still evident in how music is played to this day.

As for Gingersnaps, you cannot close your mind to good pop music, if it's good it's good and worth listening to. I had my doubts about Lady Gaga until my wife played me her albums and my view was changed.

As for what is cool and what is not, it's very subjective. I know John Peel liked certain types of pop music. John Lydon and Siouxsie Sioux also like some pop music and Captain Sensible likes Abba. I would certainly still say they are cool, but part of their coolness is really not caring whether they are cool or not. In my time as a taxi driver I have picked up countless tryhards, constantly wanting their voices to be heard above the crowd and they really are so uncool.
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

I guess we now know who shot Bambi's mum.
11 years
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