Fave video game character

Probably Duke Nukem, he's a hilarious parody of testosterone pumping action heroes and at the same time still totally badass if you can get past his crude humor. It's a bummer DNF sucked so hard.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

May would be great too, anyone have an objection?
11 years

Talk nerdy to me, baby (wa)

Hey, I'm looking for someone to share something special with. If you're in the area we could go on a couple dates and see where things go. I'm a bit a of nerd so if you are too that's excellent, and if you are a feedee that's a bonus but I'd rather meet someone I really connect with so that's not a requirement. Anyway, I'll leave the rest for later, feel free to hit me up and we can talk.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

ohreallybro wrote:
I would be down as well. I live close to Portland but I'd commute. Is it for bbw and admirers or bhm and ffas as well

If I end up organizing it again it won't be exclusive. Anybody that wants to come should be able to come. Last time there wasn't even a whole lot of focus on feederims, fat, etc. just a group of people from this community meeting up and having fun.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

I could organize another get together if everybody is feeling it. How soon is too soon for people? I have the summer intersession the week after next week so that would be ideal for me but if that is too short of notice for people then we can find a different time. Like last time post here or pm me and we'll get the ball rolling.
11 years

Pc gaming nerds pls <3

Rayanaminge wrote:
I've been wanting to try out LoL or DoTA, but hearing the stories about newbs being hated on and no one wanting to help them, I haven't tried yet...

I play some TF2, and alot of other games, but my internet sucks at the moment, so it's hard to play multiplayer games

Ehh Dota probably is less noob friendly, but on league as long as you start out with bot matches you should be fine. Most people are pretty friendly in beginner level bot matches, but when you get to pvp then people start going apeshit, so I usually don't play unless I have a couple friends on my team.
11 years


I would suggest making a list of the positives and the negatives to try and clarify the situation for yourself. Write down what you would get out of being immobile and write what you would have to give up, then weigh (no pun intended) the two against each and try and figure out what things are more important to you.

If you're worried about being bored, you could also write a list of what you can still do for fun while immobile and which things you can't.

In the end it's all up to you, though I'm sure some feedback by people in that situation will be helpful. I wish you luck and hope that whatever you choose leads you to a happy life.
11 years

So who would actualy relocate?

Can't really right now as I want to finish at this particular college, I'd love to travel a bit afterwards though, who knows what could happen haha.
11 years

Before & after!

Ah, I see, we're supposed to find a model, and draw her once at the beginning of the two months and then again after. Dragorat, my man, you are a genius!

Haha, if only right?
11 years

Is male feedee the worst position in this fetish?

A lot of the comments and posts I see from guys towards women are completely rude, or just plain creepy, that's generally the reason why girls never reply on here is because they have to wade through all this other bullshit and the rest of us get lumped in with it. On a related note, nobody likes it when you play the victim either, it's not very attractive. If you want to get girls to talk to you treat them like normal human beings not pieces of meat. Hang in chat and show them you care about them for stuff other than this fetish. It's really not that hard.
11 years
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