Small breasts

Personally, I like smaller breasts on a very fat woman b/c the belly is accentuated more. Though I don't complain much about larger breasts lol
12 years

Advice about my girlfriend?

Three words: Cook for her. Women love it
12 years

Extremer obesity?

ABFeedee wrote:
I just want to know something, and please be honest. How many of the feeders out there, if they found a feedee that was willing, would feed that feedee until complete immobility?

I have been looking for that for a while and to find a feeder willing and capable is very very rare in my experience

I don't think anyone really knows until they are in the situation. For me, I love the idea, but, really, half the fun is TRYING to get there.
12 years

The feederism gene

I've felt this way about fat since childhood. Lots of cartoons showing showing fat people eating and struggling always aroused me, even before I understood what arousal was. I even used to stuff pillows in my clothes and waddle around like a fatty.
I've dated beautiful thin women before, but nothing has aroused me on such a deep, primal, sexual level than feeding and fattening a woman with the same desire. I gave up a long time ago trying to figure it out and concluded I'm hard-wired for fat women.
The older I get, the bigger I want her and the more I realize if I were to settle down it would need to be with a gaining, beautiful, lazy food addicted feedee. Now, where to turn?
12 years

Weight gaining make you horny?

Sure does. That and feeding and encouraging a partner to let herself go and fatten up. Weight gain is terribly erotic for those of us around here. Otherwise why even bother getting fat.
12 years

Fallen head over heels....

Meeting people on FF with the same interests can be dizzyingly seductive and almost addictive. It's often more infatuation than anything deeper, but when you've held such deep desires (feeding, fattening, etc) for so long and find a kindred spirit little else matters.
Usually, reality settles in and you realize the sacrifices and changes that would be needed to pursue these emotional, irrational desires, especially if one is married.
And, of course, spiraling these fantasies is even more restrictive when all we've done is meet online and chat about mutual desires.
But, damn, these connections are powerful enough to drain all rational thought from our bodies.
12 years

Bedroom feeding technique

Anything couples do to slow down and build the tension works quite effectively, and it's not always feeding related. It could be as simple as entering her and not moving for a few minutes or gently holding her or his arms down while giving oral.
However, for us feeders and feedees, linking food and sex is the most arousing. One fat feedee girlfriend of mine loved sucking on a shake bag tube while I gave her oral. When she stopped sucking, I stopped tonguing her clit; I never said anything, just stopped until she started sucking on the tube again.
While I think the whole Pavalov response of associating food with sex is way too simplistic, she did get the hint and would suck down an entire bag.
A year and a half and 80 lbs later, she was still sucking down those shake bagssmiley
12 years

Halloween candy

And of course, we can't wait to see the results come Nov! I'm still a PB cup man myself
12 years

Terms of endearment

I love calling a growing woman pet names, especially princess related terms like pudgy princess, my fat princess, piggy princess, porky princess etc. I love piggier names too like glutton pig, my fat lazy porker, sow belly, etc, all whispered with desire and love.
It is amazing what words invade our minds and latch onto our sexual desires.
12 years

Extremer obesity?

Oh Krydrita, do I know how you feel! Since the gf has lost 77 lbs now, my libido has plummeted. But, as you say, we still spend great time together. She's still chubby, so I have to do some reverse scenarios in my head to get as revved up as only a really fat woman can make me; I imagine that's she at her current size she's gained 40-50 lbs since we've been dating.
But what I really miss is the fat chat.
Alas, this love of fat, feeding and getting fatter is sometimes terribly overwhelming...and not always in a good way.
12 years
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