Any goths around here?

I am nothing but me.

I prefer to be considered a rocker, but I don't bother spending money on special clothes from Spencers or Hot Topic. I don't have spikes in my coat. I don't have a mohawk.

While in my heart I'm a rocker, I'm more just me. I wear what I like, I act how I want people to act with me.

Though I did the goth thing in High School. The clothes, lots of Marylin Manson etc... and after 6 months I was onto the next thing because it wasn't really me. Trying to fit in, you end up wearing a lot of hats, and you won't truly be happy until you can take off all the hats and be you.

Yeah, sorry for the Dr. Phil episode lol
But I don't care if what I'm wearing doesn't fit in with a certain group. I don't care if a certain group wouldn't do something that I like doing....

I'm just Bill.
10 years

Does anyone skank?

SpikeZombie wrote:
I adore ska
Five iron frenzy is my fav

I refuse to skank though >.>

FIF and Supertones are two of my favorites. Actually they are the first two ska bands I heard and got me into it. Not sure why you refuse to hit the floor skankin' though lol

As for the older ska bands everyone is mentioning. I gave most a listen and it's just not as fun to me. I'll stick with the more modern stuff/punk-ska...
10 years

Favourite movie watched - 2013

HerMajestyTokyo wrote:
I just watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for the first time and I loved it. if it has to be a movie that was released this year, not just one we're seeing for the first time, then Catching Fire and The Way Way Back were both really great.


I can't find ANYONE who saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It made me a fan of Val Kilmer and reminded me why I love Robert Downey.

So well done too. Directing, Editing, cinematography... but that's just my inner film nerd going on and on. I watch to learn
10 years

Does anyone skank?

No one watched the awkward dancer video? He was skankin in it!

Go ahead, check it out! Lol
10 years

Does anyone skank?

retrogasm wrote:
I saw this thread and got real happy. Going to so many shows this month and next.

Nice, what one are you looking forward to the most?
10 years

Embarrassing moments

the best I have was a plastic folding chair breaking within seconds of sitting on it...

but I turned it into a huge comedy moment, cause that's what I do. it ended up not being embarrassing at
10 years

Currently listening to

Better Than Ezra- Desperately Wanting
10 years

What is your "food kryptonite"

Angel Hair with meat sauce and parm cheese.

Angel hair, don't give me spaghetti unless you want to to stop after the first bowl! haha
10 years

Five foods you cant...

1. Nachos

2. Reese's Peanut Butter cups

3. One of everything from Chipotle

4. My mom's pasta salad (without ham)

5. Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade noodles, corn, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

They could wheel me off (they'd have to after all that) and let me die a happy man.
10 years

Favourite movie watched - 2013

I went to see Iron-Man 3 and Hangover 3 in a Movie Tavern. They have great drinks and awesome nachos, so the experience was sweet.

However, my favorite movie of 2013 so far is 'Prisoners'. I haven't seen American Hustle or Anchorman 2 just yet though.

Prisoners was well done, even though they could have edited it to be 2 hours instead of 2 1/2.
10 years
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