Maximizing & weightgain

Surely people don't exclusively adopt one of the two decision making methods over the other? That would be insane. Which to adopt is entirely dependant, is it not, on the cost (in time and effort) involved in making the maximally correct decision compared to the marginal benefit of the better outcome over the more quickly available satisfactory outcome?
9 years

I'm a feminist

The people who cause the problems are those who think that it matters what sex that people are outside those relatively rare circumstances (almost all of which are directly related to courtship or reproduction) when it actually does. Those who make generalisations about people based on their sex that are not strictly true are bigots. Those who believe that people should be treated more or less favourably on account of their sex are also sectarians. Bigotry and sectarianism are evil in the fullest sense of the word.

There are some people who call themselves "feminists" who are bigoted and/or sectarian in those senses. Whether they are correct so to call themselves is open to question. That such people exist does not give any justification to anyone making bigoted assumptions about either women in general or people who call themselves "feminists" in general. All bigotry is equally bigoted, and all should be obliterated as effectively as possible by all right thinking people in the world.
9 years

I'm a feminist

There are so many vastly different sets of opinions to which the word "feminist" can attach, it is impossible rationally to have a generalised view of everyone who so terms themselves.
9 years

Embarrassed by your ssbbw

That's extremely sad and really a silly thing about which to be embarrassed.
9 years

London indulge - february 2015

Hopefully, by Febraury, I shall have moved into my new house and be able to come to this.
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

hiccupx wrote:
Elanor wrote:
vipersfate3 wrote:
No, but it is pretty easy to look it up and figure it out. I was wondering if the text could be changed to "Electric Bill" or "Internet Service" or something. I'd be so freakin ashamed and embarrassed if my fetish was found out.

Don't lie? I mean, it's not exactly FF's responsibility to hide your (dirty?) secret. This site isn't meant to be a hide-out or anything like that, so personally I don't see why such efforts should be made to cover up your tracks. Just my tow cents' worth.

I can understand why some members would want to keep this place a secret from partners/family/friends etc. Not everyone outside the community would be understanding about this website. Even partners who we love very much may need time to get used to the way we view things.

Payments for upgrades should appear on your statement as a certain code, which unless you know about this place should be pretty critic. I'll also take steps to ensure that it doesn't in any way lead back to this website.

Google search for (now removed code) brings up two pages of this site that make it clear what the payment is for.
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

sugarkitten7 wrote:
Elanor wrote:
Yes, that's very fast.

Also, she's either a girl or a woman. Not a female. Thanks.
what's wrong with the term female? Just because you have trouble with that identifier doesn't mean we all do, try to make it a suggestion instead of a command next time?

Female is an adjective, not a noun. Somebody can be female, but a person cannot be "a female" (just like a person can be tall, but a person cannot be "a tall"smiley.
9 years

Whole milk or soda

Elanor wrote:
largerlouie wrote:
"Yes, cats drink milk. But not in their natural habitat."

And milk is actually bad for cats!

Of course it is. If it wasn't, you'd see cats latched unto udders all the time.

Mightn't the cows object?
9 years

Sat 8 nov london drinks meet!

Such a shame to have missed this: I have still not moved into my house yet and am living miles away. Hopefully soon! In the meantime, does anyone know a good carpenter in East London...?
9 years

This or that

Chubby Chocoholic wrote:
Ice cream sandwich

Chocolate ice cream or chocolate cake?

Chocolate cake.

Cats or hats?
9 years
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