Feeling alone in your sexual preference

shuefly wrote
Maximum wrote
shuefly wrote
I don't feel alone! My imaginary internetz friends are all the company I need.


For the most part, y'all are a fine group of people. Intelligent, sexy and whether or not you're all "for real," you've allowed me to get real with myself and my preferences.

I think the biggest difference for you is that you get to live this stuff out in your every day life, for most of us feeling alone, its because it continues to remain a mere fantasy.
I know I'm fortunate to be in a relationship, but I don't believe for one minute that there is something so special and unique about us. I really don't.

I also don't think it's necessary (or even a good idea) to allow this fetish to dictate your coupling, if your looking for a committed, long-term relationship. It's too limiting and a sexual preference can't provide the solid foundation that's got to be there if a relationship is going to last. Life throws too many curve balls and things besides your mate can get pretty heavy.

The point I'm hopelessly trying to make is if my husband and I found each other, you (general) can find your person too. People do it all the time. And when you do, it may take time for your fantasies to be fully realized. It took almost ten years for us to start exploring this fetish. During those ten years we've faced down some serious challenges, many of which are ongoing. We never would have survived intact if our marriage had been built around my attraction to a big belly.

So take a chance! My husband was not my "type." Wiry rock climber/mountain biker? Uh, no thanks. But there was undeniably "something" there between us, so I set aside my physical preferences. I fell in love with him and his body type became less important to me. A non-issue really. And contrary to a lot of comments I read, despite the fact his body was not what I had historically been attracted to, our sex life was not lacking for all those years. That said it has definitely gotten better since we embarked on this adventure so many months ago. So be patient too. After all, good things come to those who wait.

I'm not trying to get all lecture-y (though I guess I did - sorry). My intention is to encourage anyone here who has gotten into the habit of thinking there is no way he/she will ever find someone to shut that tape recorder in his head off! Unless you are actually a jackass and a jerk, hitting replay again and again is what holds you back. Like I said earlier in what has turned into my novella of a reply, I am not so special that it could only happen to me. Or if I am, then you are that special too. Seriously. It just hasn't happened yet.

That was beautiful, thanks. smiley
13 years

Ff mmorpg?

DorianGray wrote
How does one make an MMO based on FF? o.0
Level up your feederism?

You have reached the fat cap, please buy the expansion in order to get fatter! smiley
13 years

Celeb weight/dimensions

Murphy wrote
Just pony up the ten bucks for a subscription you cheap bastard

Maximum approves this message.
13 years

Is anyone else only attracted to this size in fantasy?

Yelsa wrote
Maximum wrote
BlutEngel wrote
I hate it when anybody treats anyone as a piece of flesh...

Fixed. smiley

Fixed. smiley

I stand corrected. smiley
13 years

I only like slightly chubby

Eh, this thread has trainwreck written all over it...

I'm glad how its been handled so far though and I agree with the responses.

Seriously, this is the only decent feederism site on the whole net, we aren't about to ruin that by catering to individuals preferences. We provide a wide variety of what the community has to offer and you are free to enjoy and ignore what you please.

Also, as was already said, segregating the members based on size really goes against the sites core message of being a Fat-Positive Community.
13 years

Just got into wow,,,,

Xutjja Plag wrote
I'd be totally down for making a new character if someone puts together a FF guild on one of the US/Aussie servers.

Mmm, that was my idea, unfortunately though its pretty much divided between US and Euro, otherwise we could have one big guild. smiley

I was thinking of joining a US realm since there are few aussies on here anyway lol.
13 years

Is anyone else only attracted to this size in fantasy?

BlutEngel wrote
I hate it when men treat women as a piece of flesh...

Fixed. smiley
13 years

Just got into wow,,,,

I actually need a new realm for my Goblin and Worgen come next week since my main's realm is full now and Blizz refuses to give additional slots. >.<

We should chose one and all FF can start together! Any suggestions? smiley
13 years

Finally happy!

Gratz on being happy. smiley

Just don't get too comfortable too soon, the journey isn't over yet. smiley
13 years