Pokemon! ^_^

A bunch of evolutions today, also Alolan Grimer & Muk, Type: Null's evolution Silvally and another island Kahuna and Trial Captain.

Alolan Grimer and Alolan Muk, both Poison/Dark types. Their form change is from being used for garbage disposal apparently. The white bits are poison crystals made from hardened toxins from the garbage they eat. Alolan Muk kind of resembles an oil slick I guess, and its colours flow in animation.

Bounsweet's evolutions Steenee and Tsareena, both pure Grass types. Tsareena can have the Queenly Majesty ability which prevents attacks like Quick Attack and Aqua Jet from striking first. They're based off the mangosteen, the "Queen of Fruits".

Cutiefly's evolution Ribombee, still Bug/Fairy.

Jangmo-o's evolutions Hakamo-o and Kommo-o. Both of its evolutions are now Dragon/Fighting types.

Type: Null's evolution Silvally, which destroys its restraining mask to unleash its true speed and power. Through it's RKS System ability, it can change it's typing to any of the other types depending on specific items it is equipped with. It also has a move called Multi-Attack which matches whatever type it is. Both its ability and move sound familiar. smiley
7 years

Definite underagers banned

DelloChef 2 months ago, Ewoudvandenbosch@icloud.com

about me: Hi, im 16

16 years old, one year suspension.
7 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Trailer with starter middle stages, the upcoming Pokemon Sun/Moon demo, Ash-Greninja and other stuff:

Starter middle evos:

Dartrix is Grass/Flying, Torracat is Fire, and Brionne is Water. No type changes yet.

Dartrix is extremely sensitive to other presences in the area and can detect opponents behind it and throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pokemon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines - it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories! Revealing a certain snobbiness in its personality, Dartrix cares a great deal about its appearance, grooming its feathers in every spare moment. In truth, it's also a bit of a birdbrain, with a tendency to bungle things up. Once it makes a mistake, it sometimes gets into a desperate struggle to gloss over the situation and ends up making a bigger mess than ever. At times, this Pokemon feels so bothered by its dirty or ruffled feathers that it can't focus on battle. When it loses its focus, it sometimes even retires from the battle on the spot! It's up to each Trainer to help Dartrix overcome this troublesome stage. If this Pokemon is with a Trainer who helps it through, its strength will grow hugely!

The bell-like object attached at the base of Torracat's neck is a flame sac, an organ that can produce flames. Torracat's emotions cause a rise in the organ's temperature, and when the organ spits flames, it rings with the high, clear sound of a bell. Torracat attacks using the flames emitted from this bell. Torracat's mane serves as an excellent sensory organ, and it can sense what's going on around it - even in the dark! It can also detect the presence of hidden enemies. Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight. And yet it sometimes behaves like spoiled child in front of Trainers or Pokemon with whom it has built a relationship of trust. The cat punch that this Pokemon can dish out with its strong forelegs is extremely powerful. It can bend iron bars and knock out large men with a single blow!

Brionne learns its dances by imitating the other members of its colony. It sometimes even learns dances from humans. This Pokemon is a hard worker and pours itself into its efforts until it has memorized each dance. As it dances, Brionne creates balloon after balloon. In battle, it first sends its opponent into disarray with its dancing, and then slaps its balloons into its target, causing the balloons to explode and deal damage. Brionne can dance in perfect time with others, even if they have only just met. On moonlit nights, you can sometimes see throngs of Brionne dancing as one, in perfect fluidity. Brionne always acts cheery and positive. Even when it's feeling sad, this Pokemon doesn't allow its sorrow to show. It's said that Brionne will only reveal a sad expression to a Pokemon or Trainer to whom it has opened its heart completely.

Also there will be a demo of Pokemon Sun/Moon released on October 18, where the reward is a special Ash-Greninja as seen in the anime.

Ash-Greninja is obtained through a special demo to be released October 18th 2016. It can then be transferred to the main games at launch. Ash Greninja has the ability Battle Bond which causes it to change form when it knocks out an opponent.
7 years

New chat (beta)

have you ever thought about making an app of ff

Someone else asked that too, here's a topic on it here you can take a look at:
7 years

Am i dating robots on ff?

Some bots do join up on FF but they usually make themselves obvious and get banned quickly. It's more likely to be fake profiles as some people come here for... fantasy.
7 years

Definite underagers banned

lisa16, 2 months ago, lisa16@sigaint.org

Her tumblr lists her age as only 16: biglisa.tumblr.com, year suspension now.
8 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New vid:

Shows off trainer customization (it's back from Pokemon X and Y), Lycanroc's forms, Pokemon Refresh (the replacement for Pokemon Amie), Z moves for Pikachu and Eevee, and two version exclusive primates:

Next, it showed off a Pokemon from Pokemon Sun called Passimian which is Fighting-type with the ability Receiver which takes the partner's ability when a partner faints.

Next is one in Pokemon Moon called Oranguru which is Normal/Psychic with Inner Focus and Telepathy. It has a new move called Instruct which allows the targeted Pokemon to use its last move instantly
8 years

Fake males thread

No worries, I do understand. Essentially trans women are women... and similar to being gay, it's up to them as to whether they want to come out of the closet. For a bit of context to the whole thing, it's worth reading these two articles regarding the murder of Gwen Araujo, one about the incident, and a trans woman's perspective on it and disclosure:


8 years

Fake males thread

If they are using their own photos it is permissible. As to why, it is because we have had trouble in the past from mods harassing transgender people claiming they aren't the gender they present as. It is not up to us to judge what gender they are, it is only an issue if stolen photos are used.
8 years

When you're not attractive...even on a feeding website

There's a lot more men in the overall community (on this site and Feabie) than there are women so the odds can be hard, yes. Also people are mostly far away from each other and people often aren't into long distance dating - this applies to dating websites in general too.
8 years