419 scams

scrambledegg wrote
juicy wrote
I wonder if it would be helpful to post a list of 'warning signs.' A lot of perfectly reasonable people were fooled by this one, but those of us who see too much could see it immediately.

Why don't we start a list here that could turn into a help section?

I really like the list idea!

This one was quite canny in that it wasn't asking for money straight away, and although very wordy, compared to some I've seen in the past, the English / grammar wasn't too bad.


I just logged into that spam account again. It had 9 messages in the inbox yet it was clear last night (which was when I first logged into it). So in the last 24 hours or so, 9 people from this site had messaged a person who's name was set to '419 Nigerian Scammer' and who's profile CLEARLY listed them as a scam profile that been taken over by a site moderator (me).

The 9 messages were not questioning the name or anything, they were replying to the original scam emails sent by this person! If people are that dumb to reply to a person with '419 Nigerian Scammer' as their name, then I'm not sure a list is going to help! Some people are clearly just unbelievably stupid!

lmfao, I love it!

Would it be terribly inappropriate to name and shame the incredibly stupid? smiley
13 years

Christmas fantasies, anyone??

bradypig wrote
Riding with Santa on Christmas Eve and eating all the cookies for him.

This sounds like the best reason for wanting to be Santa Claus. smiley
13 years

419 scams

roundedout wrote
It's interesting that they weren't asking for money up front in the email.

They think if they ease into it they can lull more people into the trap of thinking that they are really interested...
13 years

419 scams

Hmmm, and the other guys argued with me when I accused "her" of being fake...

Lust really is an incredibly blinding and stupefying emotion. smiley
13 years

666 posts

I love the fact that his post count clearly opposes his claim of 666 posts. smiley
13 years

Who wets your whistle?

I am quite curious now to experience said, tough titties...
13 years

My wife is so fat that she is immobile

johnxyz wrote
That reminds me of a chat I had with someone. She told me she was 200 pounds, and had to have the doors widened so she could go through them. I guess she was 6 inches tall. lol.

lmfao, some people need to read up on what it is they are trying to fake smiley
13 years

Who wets your whistle?

bbwildrose wrote
i've never seen the point of these threads - if you like someone, message them! don't wait to see if you're mentioned on their list first! it's all a bit juvenile really smiley

But what if they don't respond? Then its like, super embarassing! :O
13 years

My wife is so fat that she is immobile

PleaseGainMore wrote
Wow ... I'm surprised that she's immobile at 400 pounds. Does she have an injury that keeps her from moving about?

I have friends that are beyond 400 that still get around just fine ... But everyone is different ...

My thoughts exactly, we have much larger women here as well who are no where near immobile...
13 years

Post holiday season immobility

Love the title and love the post!

I think this is part of the whole fantasy of thanksgiving and such, its an openly accepted stuffing opportunity where people get so full they can't move naturaly.

Add a gainer/stuffer into the mix who knows how to stuff and is actively aiming for fatness and immobility, oooh, the pleasure must be soooo good. smiley

So yeah, sounds like an desireable fantasy to me. smiley
13 years