Man boobs

Well, when men grow large breasts, they have to decide whether they want to start wearing a bra, or go braless. It depends on how sensitive your nipples are, and how much jiggle you have, and how uncomfortable it is.
9 years

My gf started chatting on kik with several people. they would send pictures back and forth and i

Well, if she isn't going to give it up, you have 2 choices. 1)accept it. 2)dump her.
9 years

Weight gain is worth?

You have to remember that nothing is certain. Someone may gain a few pounds and triggers a life threatening illness, or someone gains 200 pounds and lives to 80. Or someone gains a lot of weight, and dies in something unrelated, so it does not even matter. Everything you do, from going to the grocery store to climbing Mt. Everest has risk. You have to decide how important that risk is.
9 years

How common is diabetes?

You have to remember that you have to have the genes for diabetes. My wife is fat, and does not have it. I am not very fat, and I have it. Now, if you do have the genetics for it, it may make it hard to gain, since you have to avoid sugar and other things. If you just happen to be fat (not gaining on purpose), it is more important to watch what you eat than it is to try to reach a certain lower weight.
9 years

Getting more comfortable in tight clothes?

Men like different things. I like BBWs, therefore I like it when a woman dresses like a BBW. That means stretch pants, tunic tops, and tent dresses. Some men like tight clothes, other men like revealing clothes. But I agree with the other poster. Wear what is comfortable for you.
9 years

Fat and uterine cancer.

If it is PCOS, it causes cancer and it causes weight gain. But the weight gain does not cause the cancer.
9 years

Why do you allow stuffer31 to poach and spam models on here?

How do you stop someone from sending private messages? I am not attracted to women who sell their bodies for money on websites anyway, so who cares where they get their money?
9 years

Starting intentional gain

Many people who gain on purpose love when other people notice and comment. After all, it affirms that you have been successful. You have to see what works for you. You can blow it off by saying you have gained a few pounds, or you can shock them by saying you have gained 160 pounds and never felt better.
9 years

Thunderstorms and arousal

Thunderstorms hit buildings and burn them down, they hit trees and knock them over. They set off car alarms and they frighten pets. I am not aroused by them.
9 years


Any mention of weight gain, feederism, etc will get the ad kicked off of the list. You have to use round about phrases, such as "growing friendship," or "looking to GAIN a friend."
9 years