
To silmarilion123,

Today in chat a number of site members complained to us about you derailing chat with fat negative rants and anti-SSBBW/SSBHM rants and indicating they were unattractive and would die early, some of which are included below:

'However, getting up to around 500, 600, 700 pounds will render your dates short.'
'Whatever I say will not come close to being as uncomfortable as the harm you will cause yourself if you do not set some reasonable limit, generally on the order of 300 pounds.'
'I find this site to be a good model for hyper-consumerism. Hyper-consumers waste resources far beyond their needs and even what are considered routine wants to the point where they do themselves physical harm and create eyesores.'
'Well let's make some use of you while u are here, because judging by your own habits you won t be here for very long.'

Fantasy Feeder takes the stance that its members are adults and can manage their own health and will take appropriate action if they feel their health decline at all, and it is not a site for people to preach to them about their weight, at all. This is a fat-positive site, it is not a site for people to come to where they are told they are unattractive and will die early if they go over 300 pounds. Another site admin also asked you to stop discussing all of this and you still continued to do so. As a result your account has now been suspended for one week.
Under the 'respect others' section: 'Please be courteous and respectful to other members at all times. Do not post anything that is rude, insulting or offensive and don't be deliberately antagonistic. Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behaviour.'

Under the 'respect moderators' section: 'Moderators are here for the benefit of the website as a whole. They have the final say over disputes and if they ask you to do (or not do) something please respect their wishes. This includes refraining from publicly arguing or debating the issue.'

Under the 'stay on topic' section: 'This is a fat-positive/fat-fantasy website so please try to stay generally on topic in your posts and other content. In particular no pro-weightloss rants or persuasions, please keep this to other websites.'

Upon your return, if you make any more fat negative rants, anti-fat rants or anti-SSBBW/SSBHM rants ever again, you will be permanently banned from Fantasy Feeder. Do not do this again.

-Fantasy Feeder

'However, my observations can be noted and passed along and serve in various psychological studies'

I'm sure they will, just not in the psychological studies he wants. smiley
8 years


silmarilion123 1 month ago,

Hoo boy this guy's a nasty piece of work. He's about 47 and I've seen him regularly bitching about the lack of women for him to chat too, sniping about it being a sausage fest, then saying the site is full of gay men, then all gays and lesbians. Yesterday a muslim woman entered chat and he went nuts ranting on about how Islam and Christianity are backwards religions and he hated liberals and social justice/etc. He wouldn't stop when I told him to, but when I told him that I was a mod he said he hadn't realized and backed down.

Unfortunately after I went to bed it turns out he got even worse and started preaching anti-fat and anti-SSBBW/SSBHM rhetoric, despite BCB telling him to stop. Some choice quotes from him below:

'There can be a certain appeal in a more full womanly shape of around 200 pounds than one who is thin and around 100 pounds. However, getting up to around 500, 600, 700 pounds will render your dates short.'

'Only so much blood can be pumped through so much volume for so long. Whatever I say will not come close to being as uncomfortable as the harm you will cause yourself if you do not set some reasonable limit, generally on the order of 300 pounds.'

'BCB, willful ignorance and self-indulgence are your concerns right?

I find this site to be a good model for hyper-consumerism.
Hyper-consumers waste resources far beyond their needs and even what are
considered routine wants to the point where they do themselves physical harm and create eyesores.'

'I think the pyschology here is very similar to that of other hyper-consumers such as hoarders/collectors.
In fact I would say gluttony is a lot like hoarding and wasting.
Hoarders hoard junk and feeders and gainers hoard fat.'

'I am learning quite a bit BCB. You folks are very similar to those who ride around in giant trucks and suvs. It has been said that waste is sexy'

'(BCB to him) : we aren't here to be studied or for your personal amusement'

'Well let's make some use of you while u are here, because judging by your own habits you won t be here for very long. Also judging by your life choices you won't be accomplishing anything much of note nor interest. However, my observations can be noted and passed along and serve in various psychological studies.'

'Your main companions are television and your phones and computers. You are frightened ineffectual fetishits who sit around alone by your computers and have very little in the way of social lives.'

The guy's completely friggin' nuts! One week off FF and a order to never bring up this anti-fat rubbish again or he's off for good.

Also FATMAN returns has gotten a day off for contributing a little to the whole mess (including earlier with the muslim thing) and ignoring mod orders to stop and move on. He's been a bit of a regular smartass to people so it's time he got a bit of a tap on the head too.

FATMAN returns 4 months ago,
8 years

Definite underagers banned

g4yspoon 15 hours ago,

about me: in actually15

What is it with all these underagers joining up lately?? Suspended for a year.
8 years

Definite underagers banned

Kingboo93 2 days ago,

Announced in chat:
Hey so is it common for minors like me to use this website'

His profile also said:

Well my I'm actually 14 my real dob is 9/5/01 but u have to b 18 to sign up sooo ya

Have given him the usual year off.
8 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New Japanese trailer for the above, showcasing Team Skull and new Pokemon, including the Electric/Psychic Alolan Raichu!

English trailer too. I think the Japanese one uses Team Skull's battle music where the English one uses their overworld theme:

8 years

Pokemon! ^_^

More new ones, including a ghost/ground sandcastle, dark alolan meowth, fire/ghost alolan marowak too.

Also we finally see the antagonists of Sun and Moon - Team Skull. You can see the grunts below the pink haired admin lady in that pic, they look like a cross between Neo Team Plasma and Team Aqua.
8 years

Definite underagers banned

Kittycannonman 1 month ago,
Bosco500 1 month ago,

Two accounts! The Bosco500 account made this shout:

Should I gain? I'm 15, and I think it would be awesome to be fat, but I'm scared of what people would think. How do I find out for sure if I'd like gaining, how do I gain without people noticing, and what are some of the pros and cons to being fat?

Suspended the Bosco500 account for a year and banned the other one.

Edit: Came in as Bosco5, banned that one too.

Bosco5 12 mins ago,

Edit 2: Came in AGAIN as Lel43. IP banned him this time to put an end to it.

Lel43 12 mins ago,
8 years

Definite underagers banned

ARNJ 4 hours ago,

I'm actually 16 looking for a younger ganer so if your older talk to me if you want but yeah lol

Only 16, one year off now.
8 years

How to get a double belly?

It's all genetic, there's no way to actively form a double belly with anything.
8 years

Definite underagers banned

Red Script 13 hours ago,

In truth, I am only fifteen (though the profile says otherwise), so I really do not know why I am on this site, but... hey, why not?

Only 15, one year off now.
8 years