Fetish for numbers

I guess I'm a numbers guy to an extent with this fetish.

I weigh myself often, usually several times per day. I like to make sure I'm at least maintaining my weight, if not gaining.

I also like to add up calories, to make sure something is going to help significantly with my gain. Sometimes things I thought were really fattening turn out not to be, but things I wouldn't expect to be are.

An example: Welch's Fruit Snacks have about 450 calories in a 5 ounce bag. That's more than two pop-tarts, which are 200 apiece, and I expected to be more fattening than they are.

I like a nice mix of calories and volume, especially if we're talking liquids.

Sometimes I go for five 14 oz bottles of True Moo whole chocolate milk before bed. Seventy ounces of liquid leaves quite a nice bloated feeling, and it's also a lovely 1950 calories.

Sometimes I can't get my hands on True Moo (I'm pretty sure I clear out the supermarket's inventory on this item... seriously), and instead turn to Whole Foods for their chocolate milk. There's a brand called "High Lawn", and it seems especially high in calories as well.

The half gallon bottle has a similar volume (64 ounces), but less calories (1680).

Both options have higher calories than even a quart of heavy cream, although requiring twice the volume. I will say this though, I belly full of chocolate milk feels really nice, heavy and relaxing.

A belly full of heavy cream feels awful, to the point that you're afraid to breathe wrong or you might get sick.

As one final note, the last stuffing I did with chocolate milk, my last final gulp caused a sudden bulge feeling in my upper stomach, a stretching feeling as if it had been pushed to new limits! The best part was, my stomach made a noise that sounded something like someone croaking "help..."

Poor belly.
10 years

Faceless pictures

I'm faceless on this site, but I'm willing to share face pictures privately. I know some people here think anyone who isn't open about their membership here might be "fake" or "on the fence", but for me, it's just a matter of comfort with how much people can accidentally find out about me and my preferences.

As a straight mutual gainer, here are things people could say about me, and how I would feel if they came to light.

One the feeder side of things, people could say the following things.

"His girlfriend is fat."

"He likes that she is fat."

"He likes her at her fatter size, than her previous thinner size."

"He wants her to get fatter."

"He is helping to make her fatter."

"He hand fed her an entire cake and a gallon of weight gain shake before bed last night, then they had wild sex."

...as you can see, statements start out tame here, but can quickly escalate to awkward and embarrassing. Most people here wouldn't be embarrassed to date a fat person (I hope!), and most would be happy to even bring their significant other a little extra food and maybe give their belly an loving pat without a second thought. Some other things are best left to the bedroom though. Or at least to a private booth in a restaurant.

On the feedee side of things, it's kind of the same deal.

"He has a big appetite."

"He's gained a little weight."

"He's gotten fat."

"He likes being fat."

"He got fat on purpose, and is trying to get fatter."

"His girlfriend is trying to fatten him up, and he's loving it."

"Every night, his girlfriend feeds him a dozen donuts, then a gallon of weight gain shake through a funnel."

When does it stop being comfortable for you?
10 years

Amazingly fattening snack time

I'll keep this short and simply provide some instuctions.

1: Buy 1 Quart of Half and Half and a 1lb box of Entenmann's Chocholate Frosted Pop'em.

2: Rip the cover off the box. No leftovers. Grab a fork.

3: Shove 4 of them in your mouth, and chew until they're all mushy.

4: It might be tough to swallow. This is why you need the half and half. Sip the half and half, swish it around, and let the fattening goodness slide down your gullet. Finish the box as fast as you can.

5: If there's any half and half left over, finish that too.

It's a quick 4000 calories, and it's loaded with fat too.
10 years

Gaining plan

soylentlilac wrote:
OK, if you want to take it to the extreme then the favourite recipe around here is heavy cream (called "double cream" in Australia). Get used to drinking it from the carton and you'll be getting fatter in no time. If you mix it with soft drink at first it will go down much easier.

This intrigues me. Soda and heavy cream? How well do they mix? Root Beer or Fanta with cream added seems like a great idea. Sometimes the chemistry doesn't always work on stuff like that though.
10 years

Question for other women

Jake Barnes wrote:
to be honest, if a girlfriend got fat I wouldn't say to my friends, "check out my lady...she's putting on some nice pounds eh?"

It would just be our private thing to enjoy.

I agree more with this than anything. No need to bring it up.

On the other hand, if someone insults her, then yes, by all means stand up for her.

"Admitting" it, as you put it, is akin to "admitting" you like your girlfriend's "big boobs" or you like being "tied down and tortured". There's no need to say certain things or give away certain info.
10 years

Chubby or fat?

For a girl, maybe when the muffin top becomes fairly doughy. Round buttocks? Enough back fat to sink your fingers into? smiley
10 years

Misdiagnosed bulimia

Are you talking about yourself?

Either way, I'm sure it's possible... Probably very likely someone is going through this...

As a kid, I once tried to stuff myself silly, and wound up getting sick.
10 years

Fattening in films

I remember the Ren and Stimpy one... it was kind of gross though.

Basically Ren was upset because he was too skinny, and Stimpy was upset because he was too fat. They went out and sought help with their respective problems.

Basically, they gave Stimpy liposuction, and sold Ren some weight gain shakes... made from Stimpy's lard.

10 years

Is heavy cream the answer?

Curious about two things here:

1: Is the TrueMoo based on my suggestion?

2: Are you actually finding whole quarts of the stuff? If so, where? I have been only able to find 14 oz servings, in Dunkin Donuts... always feel a little ...err... odd... going in and ordering like six of those...

Unfortunately, they stopped carrying TrueMoo around here and switched to Hood.

Shockingly, the Hood is more calorific, but the TrueMoo tasted better in my opinion.


As for the Heavy Cream... I wouldn't make it an everyday thing, because of all the cholestorol and saturated fats.

Also, you need to be careful with it as well. If you vigorously shake heavy cream, it basically turns into butter. Let's just say having a belly full of heavy cream while your digestive system tries to do it's thing.... NOT something you want to experience.
10 years

Gaining with 'ensure'

Ensure helps quite a bit, I've used it in the past. It can be pretty expensive though. Some tips:

- Stay away from store brands. In my experience, they are gross. Ensure at least tastes decent.

- Get Ensure Plus, regular Ensure has a lot less calories.

- Look for coupons, they're out there. Like I said, it can be expensive.

- Take it before bed, and after meals. I'd avoid using it during the day, as it may kill your appetite.

- I found a cheaper alternative, which may or may not be available locally to you.

14 oz, 390 calories, 14g fat ... costs about $1.50 per bottle... cheaper than Ensure, tastes better, just less vitamins...
11 years
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