Sweating as a bigger person.

I'm so happy to have gotten over 220lbs, and whilst I'm very happy to be big, the sweatiness does get me embarrassed at work. I have an active ish job. Periods of intense movement and then sat down for an hour or so. In that moment of movement, the sweat can have started before I'm even out of breath!
Does anyone else find that they sweat quickly and profusely from their head after just a little work? I carry a flannel or head sweat band these days, as at least I can wipe it away.
Is there anything I can do (changing jobs might be doable in the longer term but not an option at the moment) to help reduce the speed of the sweating? Any tips? All thoughts welcome!
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky


When I drink 400 a night, I only feel a tiny bit rough.

I think I might need to go back to the 400 ml (14oz). I don't think I can handle this again. And I might not be able to eat later if I still feel nauseous.

Anyone else get this problem? Any way to help it?

Hello! Congratulations on doing 600ml, I've done it twice and regretted it twice. As a fellow Brit, I love that our Double cream is much more calorific, but it comes at a cost!

I recently bought some lactose pills from Amazon, and they do seem to work. That said, I do 300ml with 300ml of semi-skimmed milk and often a huge dollop of Nuttela in the evenings, and have about 100ml on my morning muesli. I take the pills before my evening shake.

I've taken a week or so off, and my weight has gone down 4lbs, so it works! Looking forward to getting back to it!

Good luck!
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've never thought of heavy cream as a cure for hayfever! I'm glad it's working out for you though. I'm keeping up with my 300ml most days and have noticed a new layer of fat forming everywhere. Weight up 4 Kg (9 lbs) over last 5 weeks.

Ah no sadly I meant that without the lactose pills I had hayfever symptoms. Milk and cream doesn't seem to agree with me much.

Well done on the gains. I fell off the wagon recently, mostly because my wife polished all the cream off! Can't complain but it is annoying!!
3 years

Eating a whole cake

It is possible!
I've blended two cheesecakes with milk before and drunk them.

Nela has eaten whole cakes before, such as:
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I'm not far behind you Justapig.
Since buying and taking lactose pills I can manage 300ml of double cream and the same of milk, all mixed with about 100g of Nutella. I've had no unpleasantness in the loo, and my hayfever symptoms have totally gone. I'm also up 2 lbs in the last few days!
3 years

Bad inflation experience

My top tip with water is to only do it if you are at home the rest of the day. I found I needed the loo frequently and at short notice!
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Past 5 and not quite fully 6. Aiming for 8, but would love to get to 10 one day!
3 years


I couldn't be happier! In a rush today I dug out some shorts from last year and they didn't button. I took a quick picture and got changed into something else. Looking at the picture tonight, I realised that I could see stretch marks in the picture. I'll try and take a better picture in the daylight tomorrow.
I haven't thought I was getting anywhere but today I was at 223lbs, just one away from my Covid-19 too! Just goes to show, I expected them to be on my sides but they were under my belly out of normal sight!
3 years

New fat experiences/ realizations?

I needed to wear my coat for the first time in months. It did up, but it is tight as a drum against my belly. I don't think I could sit down in it!
3 years

Boost vhc

no ,ive not tried boost in the uk, ive been using vanilla duns river nourishment shakes 465 calories a can smiley 2 a day near a 1000 calories extra smiley

Thanks nibler, I should have thought of Nourishment! I used to have a few cans in my locker at university in case of late nights.
3 years