Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?

Dream scenario is that we're both very fat.

Fat couples are so cute and fat sex is hot!

Fat bodies are just the best to me, what can I say lol
2 years

When did you become extremely obese?

At what point in your life did you become extremely obese and how did it happen?

Don't be afraid to give all the juicy details smiley
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

Are you intentionally gaining weight:

Do you gain weight every year: yes

Weight: 397lbs

Size: 4XL for shirts

Avg calories per day: 8,500

Avg # of meals per day: 4 or 5 depending on how much I’m awake.

Typical meals eaten on average day:
Mostly fast food because I never feel like cooking: 2 Big Macs, 1 large fry, large coke, 2 apple pies and an Oreo McFlurry. Essentially the same thing when I go to Burger King Wendy’s or Chick-fil-A. 2 sandwiches, 1 large fry, a large soda and a couple pies or cookies and one milkshake to go with it. I eat fast food every meal. Sometimes I go to a restaurant to eat too. I also have a lot of cookies, cakes and chips in the house that I snack on all day on weekends and after work.

Exercise amount: none

Laziness level: I have a desk job then I grab McDonald’s on the way home and lay in bed. So I am very lazy.

Relationship with food: I use it to feel better. Which I guess is a good relationship to have with food when you’re trying to get up to 650lbs.

So does that mean you get 4-5 fast food meals of that description each day?
2 years

Fat celebrity crushes

Fat Adele
Action Bronson

If YouTubers count then LoeyLane for sure
2 years

Psychological conditioning

Trying this thread again with a different approach.

Is anybody else into the idea of being "conditioned" into becoming fat?

One of the hottest fantasies for me is the idea of someone slowly and meticulously changing all of my habits, behaviors and food relationship so that I become fat out of my control.

There's something really hot about losing the ability to stick to a diet, growing to love being sedentary, learning to dislike exercise and developing an addiction to food.

I want to be like someone who you would see as a contestant on The Biggest Loser before the show starts. They're massively fat yet they didn't intentionally gain to get there, it just happened to them against their will.

The idea of being reprogrammed into someone like that is incredibly hot to me.
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

Are you intentionally gaining weight: No

Do you gain weight every year: Yes, even if I don’t try

Weight: ~230-240, I haven’t weighed myself in a couple months

Size: Not sure. I’m somewhere between overweight and obese. If it helps I’m 5’5 with a waist of almost 55 inches

Avg calories per day: 2300?

Avg # of meals per day: 2-3. I sometimes skip breakfast or dinner.

Typical meals eaten on average day: Mashed up bananas and peanut butter for breakfast. My lunch always varies but is usually meat and carbs of some kind. Sometimes for dinner I’ll go out but usually just eat the same thing as I did for lunch. My college has fast food and groceries on campus so I usually get something from there, either a sandwich or snacks.

Exercise amount:
Other than walking around, basically none. Max 2 miles a day.

Laziness level:
Very lazy. If I didn’t have to go outside I wouldn’t.

Relationship with food:
It’s weird. I go between gaining, maintaining, and trying to lose weight constantly. I had problems with eating way too much then starving myself to try to offset it for years. I’m just now starting to find a balance of too much vs too little.

We have roughly the same caloric intake yet vastly different weights.

Super cool how different metabolism and body types work!
2 years

Change username?

Under the side tab, click “my account” and then “edit”. Username should be there

Thank you!
2 years

Change username?

Not sure where to post this but how do I go about changing my username?
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

I think it would be fun to hear what everyone's "fat lifestyle" is like. The basic idea is you give us an idea of an average day in your lifestyle.

For the sake of inclusivity feel free to respond even if you're not fat and just want to share, but the goal of this post is definitely to gain insight into the fat life (can also be useful for anyone that wants to emulate a lifestyle that's fatter than theirs)

So here's the format

Are you intentionally gaining weight:

Do you gain weight every year:



Avg calories per day:

Avg # of meals per day:

Typical meals eaten on average day:

Exercise amount:

Laziness level:

Relationship with food:

So for me a response would like like this

Are you intentionally gaining weight: Not currently

Do you gain weight every year: My weight has plateaued naturally

Weight: 200lbs

Size: Chubby

Avg Calories per day: 2200

Avg # of meals per day: 3

Typical meals:
- turkey sandwich
- buckwheat, veggies and chicken
- snack assortment/dessert meal late at night

Exercise amount: 1hr walk and sometimes weight lifting

Laziness level: Not very lazy, will travel up and down stairs frequently, don't often look for excuses to be sedentary

Relationship with food:
I mostly eat when I'm hungry but I snack for pleasure. I sometimes eat to improve my mood when I'm down.

What's your lifestyle look like?
2 years
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