Are stretch marks sexy

I used to hate my stretch marks and was not a fan of them getting longer or spreading over my belly. Now I just wish they weren't as angry red or quite so numerous.

Over past couple years I've come to accept them as battle scars and actually enjoy seeing new ones develop. Have caught just a few forming and been able to trace their progress.
4 years

Telling partner i want to gain

Just-Jess gave really awesome advice and articulated it way better than I could. Also have zero experience incorporating my preferences into daily living. Let alone with someone else, so thanks as well.

I'm personally uncomfortable discussing this most of of the time, and might test the waters first. Small things like ready wip or 'accidently' leave bite sized candy, M&MS on nightstand. See how he reacts to little changes maybe gain 5 to 10 pounds, nothing dramatic. He might be on board or get into it naturally... it's your body.

I agree honesty and simple communication is the best route, if he doesn't notice or avoids the topic you can say something. Point out these things, ask his opinion or feelings to open a discussion. Ease into it and slowly introduce more of your kinks. Good luck.
4 years

Your new normal

Always been a somewhat big eater at least, compared to most girls... Never a 6in sub, always footlong. Used to be a chore to finish 2 but now one isn't enough and it's become standard to get my usual and try different things for 2nd foot long.
A #4 @ Mc D's is now accompanied by 6 or 10pc McNuggets, or extra sandwich, sometimes 2 Mcmuffins, same with Woppers @ BK or double orders to go at restaurants.
Pizza: can polish off a large with side of cheese bread in space of a few hours... Jack's pizza requires 2 just to feel satisfied and 3 on a good night if I'm really hungry.
2 boxes of Kraft Macaroni is a given, or a family size Stophers... I generally eat enough for 2 at dinnertime.

A year or more ago it was hard to eat this much in a single sitting and now it depends on what I had for lunch or throughout the day. It defiantly takes double portions for me to feel full let alone stuffed.
4 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

A close friend (non-FA) has gained a lot past couple of years and I am supremely jealous. Ive always been around 10lbs heavier since teens and we averaged around 150 - 160. She broke 200 when pregnant but lost 20+ after... Few years later she got hooked on pills and graduated to Heroin, lost a lot of weight. Strung out and down to 119 pounds in 2017 she thankfully sought treatment and got sober.

Packed on pounds quickly in treatment and last year confided she'd gained close to 20lbs in a single month. Quickly back up to 150 average and surpassed 200 not long after, close to 100 in just a year.

Last summer she was up to 217 and still 10 or so lighter than me when we weighed together. Now in 2019 she is fatter than me for first time ever and easily 230+ but hasn't been on scale in a while. Saw her for 1st time since Holidays and it's very noticeable she's gained even more.

She's not thrilled yet mostly accepting and complains of fat girl problems, and has no idea how jealous I am. Seeing her surpass me has made me double down on gaining efforts past couple months. I mean she's not even trying and is fatter than me now... Mostly want to know exactly what she's up to at this point.
5 years

Does fit and fat not really do it for you?

Not as active as I used to be however enjoy/appreciate whatever natural athleticism I've retained thus far.
If i want to go on a hike, walk several miles to sightsee, etc... I tend to get a tad annoyed when,short of,breath. Mostly due to bad smoking habit I can't afford. Plan to quit and hopefully put on at least 20 pounds!

Would prefer to maintain a certain amount muscle tone and fitness levels to still enjoy things I like.
What is the point of weighing 600+ if you can't move around to fully expeiance the effects?
Yet at the same time I get a thrill from those moments of exertion when getting off the couch or floor. Other signs I'm getting noticeably fatter.

Fit and fat is my preference, old knee injury already bothers me, sore back,and,feet... Health concerns aside I'm a very independent person. Dont want,to be reliant on anyone or unable to ride a roller coaster. Get out in nature, stroll through the woods, or waddle.
5 years

Favorite my 600 lb life star?

the juicy:
Since I have trouble seeing sites from other countries try doing a search using this info "Nikki Webster, 33, from Arkansas, weighed over 650lbs".

Her belly got so big she could only wear skirts because when standing it reached to her calves. The awesome thing is she was so well built, muscle wise/vitality, that she was totally mobile. So watching her walk is super hot. I hope you are able to pull something up.

Nikki has my vote 4 Best Belly! Ever.
5 years

Hands on belly at night

Me too, love cradling and rubbing my belly before I go to sleep. Gauging the differences, how much harder it is to reach around to cup the underside. Wedging my hand between fat and mattress, or how far my belly button is now. Anticipating how it might feel when its almost out of my reach.
Measuring with,my thumb and pinky, I almost can't grip my lower belly anymore... Sweet.

Been doing this since High school and probing around to pinch the softest areas. Remembering when this tiny spot near the bottom of ribs was the first sign I was gaining a little weight. Can't wait until these rolls grows enough to to fit in my hand... Getting there.

Especially when going to bed stuffed full and feeling my taunt stomach bulge, compared to the soft lower half of pure fat.
Only makes me want to get bigger...
5 years

What can i add to heavy cream to make it not taste like shit?

Ive tried heavy cream sporadically in the past... It doesn't,always react well with my system and even mixing with choc milk sometimes the viscosity and taste bother me.
Especially true in summer months and feeling all that heavy dairy practically curdle in my stomach. Not worth the bellyache... It's just too hot!
Already planning a personal experiment when the weather cools back down, see of I can break this plateau.
Good,ideas for mixing and adding even,more calories, I'll have to,try as,well.
5 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

If someone else draws attention to my weight or how much I am eating one of my favorite comebacks is; 'it takes hard work to keep up this figure'. Which is true... More than they realise. Of course nobody suspects I am gaining intentionally.
6 years

Has anyone ever eaten a whole box of donuts?

Its still hard to finish off the 12 assorted donuts sometimes but I seem to have no trouble demolishing a bag of 16 Mini donuts. Yum
6 years
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