How much weight have you gained in 2021?

Around 15lbs, which didn't sound impressive until I realized I wear it as 10 inches in my hips and belly. Omg!
2 years

Flip flopping between wanting to lose weight and wanting to gain

Yes! Not so much the clothes to fit part, but I want to get bigger yet be athletic, if that makes sense? I want the giant gut, the rolls, the big tits and ass but none if the struggle. I just saw a woman my height, 100lbs heavier and I want it so bad. She's amazing. But I need to be able to do physical work and fear I couldn't at that weight.
2 years

Growing and exhibitionism

Another point I want to make, how many of you have posted photos of your fat self here or on other sites?

Um...who, me? 😁🤭 ahem...maybe lol
2 years

Growing and exhibitionism

I was a chunky kid, lost the baby fat in my early 20s and have been considered thin up until the last year or so. I'm currently about 20-25lbs heavier than my lightest adult weight. I've never been one to really show off my body but lately it seems like the bigger I get the more I'm feeling like the world needs to KNOW. I love showing off my growing belly (and everything else). It's new, and odd yet very exciting for me. Like I want to find a fatty strip club with a reinforced pole to dance at. lol

So I'm wondering if there's anyone else who has found a new or growing exhibitionist streak as they get bigger, or is just this me being a weirdo?
2 years

Fat bomb

Are you doing the fattening technique with the oil? I'm intrigued...
2 years

Other places to meet people into feedism

I dream of such a place, but the dream always turns into a nightmare of panhandlers and illiterate wankers.
2 years

A femme lesbian feeder, trying to find a girlfriend.

It's incredible isn't it? There are so many cute chubby-BBW lesbians out there, yet almost none of them are into this. ☹ The few that are seem to live on the other side of the country or world. Finally, I see someone semi local (at least we could easily meet halfway) and I'm out of your age range. Figures 🙄
2 years

That starting leap

Um...get a job? Preferably at a restaurant or bakery where you get free or discounted food.
2 years

That feeling before stuffing

Definitely. When I get ready to stuff I get butterflies in my stomach, sometimes the shakes too. I'm apparently very
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

Coming up on 25lbs I can't believe no one has noticed, I'm just waiting for someone to say it out loud.
For myself (being as I am somebody), I've noticed my belly is getting in the way when I bend over. I can now hear things shake when I walk across the floor (chachkis on the shelves, the stove burners, etc). I'm also starting to very much notice both the hang and breadth of my new beautiful gut.
2 years