What are some ways to fight consistently low appetite?

Great work getting over 200 in the first place. I also struggle with appetite but I’m trying different things to find what works for me, like right now I’m not allowing myself anything until I’ve been awake an hour and I feel hollow (counting down).
Pressure to meet a target takes the fun out most things, I’m a grazer and tend to pick away while I’m doing other things (until I realise the bag is empty and I need more sweets).
Bongs are supposed to be brilliant for boosting hunger, probably better than a joint due to the exclusion of tobacco which (I believe) suppresses hunger.
Let me know if this is any help, my hour is up so off to the kitchen to silence the rumble.
4 years

How large do you like your partner until you find the gain unattractive?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and one of the things I find attractive in a partner is confidence, and that comes with being at peace with yourself, so I’d say as big someone is comfortable with.
4 years

Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

Totally into that, but likewise, it seems to be rare finding someone who is.
4 years

Any girls into clothes padding?

OMG, I thought I was totally on my own with this, although I’m probably still on the rookie side and just pad using whatever I can find, bundling clothes and feeling restricted.
4 years

Would any ladies be down to wear a fat suit?

That’s like the dream right there, easier than gaining but probably more expensive.
4 years

Any lesbians here who love fat women ?

I'm lesbian, hoping to grow and find someone that appreciates it.
5 years

Big girl relationship

I'm just looking for a simple life, I don't rule out anywhere because you never know where you'll find someone but I hear you, I have been single for longer than I would like to admit.
7 years

Girls who like male pregnancy

Couldn't agree more, I am transgender male to female and sadly I can never actually grow pregnant but would love to at least try to make it look like I had been, some stretch marks and a few baby weight pounds that just won't shift would be perfect.
9 years

Are there bbw transexuals?

Some great points made, although I must admit it seems we are a rare breed.
I see a lot to inspire me further towards becoming who I know I am inside, and am grateful to see such strength on such a long journey.
10 years

Transgender fat

Hey there everyone, couldn't help noticing this thread.
I recently came out to my partner, a wonderful big girl, and am currently entering the screening process to be sure and see what happens. One step at a time.
I would really appreciate some advice, does anyone know if gaining weight whilst on oestrogen would promote a feminine body shape? Or if it would screw up the desired effects of hormones?
I'm currently quite thin and would like to be quite curvy obviously, but there are a lot of factors to consider.
12 years
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