Story behind your username?

Arame is a Brazilian Portuguese for “Wire”

In Capoeira, we Capoeiristas are given a code name based on a characteristic that stands out. My temper is my most notable trait so I was given the name, Wire because of how “High Strung” I am
8 months

Getting fat while eating healthy

If anyone has any experience getting fat while eating healthy let me know what are some of the best healthy foods that’ll get you fat in no time

Well Speaking as a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, there aren’t really isn’t a such thing as foods that will get you fat. It’s all about calories consumed vs calories burned. Meaning:

In order to lose weight, you must in a caloric deficit aka burn more calories than you have consumed.

In order to gain weight you must be in a caloric surplus aka consume more calories than you have burned

In order to maintain your weight, you be at caloric maintenance aka you’re consuming the same amount of calories as you’re burning.

Unhealthy foods tend to be higher in calories thus why it’s easier to gain weight from eating them. However, I should note, you can absolutely lose weight on unhealthy foods. I’ve personally done it. Literally got ripped from eating Corned Beef Sandwiches

But at far as healthy foods? Well, raw fruits and vegetables are always a winner. Can never go wrong with those. Complex carbs instead of simple carbs meaning wheat bread instead of white bread, whole grain pasta over regular pasta. Healthy essential fats over trans fats meaning extra virgin olive oil over canola oil. And and lean meat of your choice is coo

Very interesting point. Kinda makes sense as to why I am still very much skinny despite what I eat. 😅

But one thing I’d like to ask is what about them nutrients? Especially when you actually cook the fruits or vegetables? Just as a curiosity.

Yes you can cook them. And even season them to taste. Just be aware that green vegetables are most nutrient dense when they are at their darkest. If you cooked them to the point where they’re light green, you’ve basically cooked the nutritional value out of them.
8 months

Getting fat while eating healthy

If anyone has any experience getting fat while eating healthy let me know what are some of the best healthy foods that’ll get you fat in no time

Well Speaking as a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, there really isn’t a such thing as foods that will get you fat. It’s all about calories consumed vs calories burned. Meaning:

In order to lose weight, you must in a caloric deficit aka burn more calories than you have consumed.

In order to gain weight you must be in a caloric surplus aka consume more calories than you have burned

In order to maintain your weight, you be at caloric maintenance aka you’re consuming the same amount of calories as you’re burning.

Unhealthy foods tend to be higher in calories thus why it’s easier to gain weight from eating them. However, I should note, you can absolutely lose weight on unhealthy foods. I’ve personally done it. Literally got ripped from eating Corned Beef Sandwiches

But at far as healthy foods? Well, raw fruits and vegetables are always a winner. Can never go wrong with those. Complex carbs instead of simple carbs meaning wheat bread instead of white bread, whole grain pasta over regular pasta. Healthy essential fats over trans fats meaning extra virgin olive oil over canola oil. And and lean meat of your choice is coo
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Are you only interested in feeder/feedee for getting off or do you try creating an actual relationships with these individuals?

Like, when talking to a feedee or a feeder is it only to talk with them to like get off or do you try and pursue an actual long lasting romantic relationship with them?

Is it just for the fetish or is the fetish a lifestyle?

I've seen many feedees talk about their feeder as just a feeder and not so much as a committed romantic partner... and it sort of puts me off. Like I completely understand having an agreement but agreements is all I seem to see. Like, don't get me wrong I love me a good arrangement... but there doesn't seem to be like any romantic aspect to these agreements and its all sexual.
I don't really see many willing to go out and about with these... I guess I will call "play" partners for the lack of a better word.

It seems to me like a lot of feeders seem too embarrassed to ever actually be seen with a fat partner, in case like friends or family see them out or something.

(sorry if all jumbled and incoherent. or like misspelling and poor grammar. the dyslexia is asking up today lol lol)

No, this is an excellent question in my opinion.

The only thing I respectfully disagree with is that the feeders are only in it for an arrangement. I see waaaay more feedies/gainers, usually the females trying to use feeders, usually the males as tricks and simps. But I can see it from your perspective too. Yes, there’s still a lot feeders, particularly males that still lie about liking big women let alone feederism cause of the way society views big women.

Now, to answer your question, I’m absolutely here to find my bride. Everyone that knows me, knows that I like big women. All the women my area on this website seem to be taken though haha.
8 months

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

Me, personally?

I reject the term fetish cause I don’t think this is a fetish. People like what they like. If you notice, it’s only a “fetish” when it’s not the norm. If a short woman prefers a tall man, it’s never accused of being a fetish. If a man wants a slim woman, it’s never accused of being a fetish. Because we like people with extra body fat, now all of a sudden it’s a fetish. It’s a joke to me. But! That’s just my opinion.

But to answer your question, yeah everyone knows I only date big people. Some don’t like or agree with it but they know better to than to say something disrespectful to me about it.
8 months

Reasons to not feel guilty for loving fat women, oe fat men, or whatever fat adult ?

Reasons to NOT feel guilty for loving fat women, or fat men, or whatever fat adult ?

I have personally experienced guilt for loving fat women.
I have seen a few threads with someone mentioning feeling guilty.

Maybe a member feels guilty right now. Or maybe a guest visiting this site feels guilty right now.

I would like to reasons to NOT feel guilty.

Reasons to not feel guilty? Well think about it, if it’s not wrong to like slim people or fit/athletic people. Then why is wrong to like fat people? That being said, there’s nothing to feel guilty about.

Well, one would only feel guilty because society tells us who to like and who not to like. However society says a lot of things, that doesn’t make it true.
8 months

Ebony feedee looking for my first online feeder

I’m looking for my first online feeder. I can put away a lot and hopefully I can meet someone who’s willing to feed me till I pop. I’m mixed with black and white and I got a huge gut. Message me if your tryna fatten me up till I can’t move

Sounds interesting
1 year

What does fat symbolize to you?

Beauty, softness, comfort, something to conquer and play with
1 year


Wow, learn something new every.
I thought you could only inflate orally
2 years


Ummm…..did I just see a chick performing water inflation by sticking a tube where the sun doesn’t shine??
2 years