My theory

There is no logical connection between the examples you give and the assumption you make, because you structure it from your biased views. For example even if you search up Goebells (as an importand figure of concious propaganda making), his usual technique would be exactly the oposite from being subtle.

One the other hand, passive ideology, which is what cartoons might do, is not conciously designed by soneome and thus cannot have any kind of such clear goal.

Please, keep in mind that even in the things that society is said to be designed to do, it utterly fails to achieve even a single of them.
2 months

I am looking for a feeder


Its nice seeing even one more greek, Active in the community! 😆
2 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)

And that's putting lipstick on a pig. If you try to deal with internal issues only by focusing on external things, you won't get very far. You need to address the internal motivation as well.

Still, fetishes and kinks are a part of you. You can find healthier ways to indulge it but can't suppress it - at least for long.

Of what use is it to adressed the internal motivation, if you cannot surpress the fetish?

Do you mean for example, psychological addictions that might have developed?
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.
3 months

Wedge pillow

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke.

YIKES! That sounds terrifying!

To someone unfamiliar with the situation, I can understand why you'd think that, but it's more inconvenient than scary.

If I fall asleep on my back and my post-nasal drip starts acting, what happens is I'll wake from my sleep coughing.[/quote]

Ooh i see. How often do you roll over in bed when you sleep? (i do it all the time i think 😅)
3 months

Wedge pillow

I can't sleep on my back because I suffer from post-nasal drip. If I try, I'll choke. [/quote]

YIKES! That sounds terrifying!
3 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

If you have any energy for philosophizing, what is that special lady that the searching is about?

Its not that i have been searching for 25 years! I have had relationships during that time, though none right now!

Was just musing that I have known of this scene for 25 years, a quarter of a century, and i just realised half of my life too!!

Nonono! Im just curious about the ideological (a body of ideas) framework in which the "Special Other" exists. Not for you specifically, because im noticing a lot of people treat this in the same way. That they have an image of what that other person is, and then seeing whats closest to it.

And thats good to know xD
3 months

Celebration (of sorts!)

If you have any energy for philosophizing, what is that special lady that the searching is about?
3 months

Ravenous the day after a stuffing?

yes definitely! although i find it has less to do with the amount of calories and more with how tight i managed to pack my belly. Like if I overeat past the point of pain at night, i'll wake up to my tummy fairly screaming with hunger, while also being kinda puffy and sore and sensitive.

And if I have time (and supplies) to re-stuff again in the morning when i've binged the night before... it's the best feeling in the world! It's almost like my tummy is so distended still it needs to be packed full again to feel comfortable.
stomach capacity expands by sheer volume. You can even do it with water (if you have the patience)!
3 months