Gay men of fantasy feeder!

Submissive bi guy here, too. smiley

Love big, strong, fit men who like to dominate fatties.
6 years

Butt plugs

I am bigger than you and have used lots of different anal toys. Anything with a flared base will can be left in.

I have a neat set of anal vibrating balls on a string coated in silicone - they have those weighted balls inside them, like ben wa balls. They are fun to put in and leave there. As you move around they move, especially while walking (or in my case waddling) and are very stimulating!
6 years

Fat boy humiliation

The thread "Fat girl humiliation" is a long one, so I'm not sure if any boys have chimed in, but I've seen enough fat girl humiliation, and I'm wondering about fat boy humiliation. Any boys out there like to be humiliated or teased about their gain?

Absolutely... love to be teased, called names, and humiliated. It's very erotic to me.
6 years

Long term bondage

Any one have experience with either being tied up and force fed or on the other end? Looking for tips and advice

Not sure what you consider long-term? I have spent an entire weekend bound in bed as part of kinky play, with only breaks for the washroom, but nothing longer than that.

Years ago, when I was still thin (but still a lil' kinky) I wore a chastity belt for 3, maybe 4 days... That was an interesting experience, too.

What kind of tips or advice are you looking for?
6 years

Someone from here was in las vegas

oh my gosh, that is so sad... smiley
6 years

Survey for all who desire to gain a significant amount of weight.


1. Did you always desire to be fat, as far as you can remember?

No, I always loved fat and thought fat people were sexy, but I was skinny into my 30s.

2. Did your desire appear suddenly, or in a relatively short period of time?

My desire was inspired by my partner, who became my feeder. If she hadn't thought my getting fat was sexy, I don't know if it ever would have occurred to me? But she definitely was the motivator, and then I discovered how pleasurable it could be.

3. Did your desire grow slowly, from trying out a little extra weight, liking it, and going for the next "step"?

Sort of - I initially gained a small amount slowly over a period of time.

4. Did you gain unintentionally at the beginning, hated it, and later grew to accept it?

I gained unintentionally - just getting older, slower metabolism, getting more sedentary, not exercising, and all that. I wouldn't say that I hated it, but my knee-jerk reaction was that I should lose it - just because, even as a FA, I think that societal "norm" was burned into my brain. It was my partner who said, "Why? It's sexy, keep going!"
6 years

What about natural appetite stimulants?

If you stuff yourself regularly - really stuff yourself past the point of feeling full, almost to the point of pain - and do that regularly over a period of time, you will find your stomach capacity will grow. You will stretch out your stomach.

At this point, my capacity is such that I become hungry very easily, stimulants aren't necessary.

I would caution anyone at consuming any kind of drug or chemical if you don't have a good understanding of the long term effects of it.

My feeder has, year ago, made some herbal appetite stimulants (teas and things), which at the time I may have thought were working, but very well could have been just the suggestion (psychosomatic)? But stretching out your stomach really does work.
7 years

Fattened for a cannibal

And for those who enjoy a piggy fetish, how about being served as the centerpiece of a feast with a nice big apple in your greedy gluttonous mouth?

We've done this role play in the bedroom before... lots of fun! Big turn on, with arms bound behind and an apple acting as a gag. smiley
7 years

Scale fetish?

I think my wife has a scale fetish... Whereas I get into the numbers as a kind of sport score, back when I was actively gaining, she really, really got excited when we would do regular weigh ins and she would see the numbers go up! To the point that bedroom recreation usually followed. smiley

To me it was more, "I met my goal! I win! Yay!" I think she got more of a sexual buzz from it.
7 years

Fattened for a cannibal

Pig farmer:
There's no vore as such in Hansel and Gretel but the tale appeals to some of us on this site because of the fattening and the witch's intentions. Her taunting is also arousing.

Part of the appeal of Hansel & Gretel (which I adore) is that, although they've managed to trick the witch by making her think he's not fattened up, in reality he is still unable to resist, loses control as it were, and does in fact grow fat. Something about the inevitability and unavoidability of it is so enticing.
7 years