
I've said before and I'll say it again, congrats Katy! smiley
11 years

Video games

Raven wrote:
I've been playing through Mega Man Legends 2 and Sonic 3. Just got my fourth Sega Genesis so i'm happy. xD It's a later Model 1, so that means I now have 2 model 1s and 2 model 2s. smiley

Legends is such a good game, I was really disappointed when they halted production on the third one :/
11 years

Before & after!

2 months is a ridiculously long time to do two drawings.
11 years

Who are you crushing on?

Pregainer for sure smiley
11 years

Seattle meet up?

cana wrote:
it was totally awesome, going to have to dig up our pics and put them in the meetup pics forum for sure. smiley

That would be awesome! I only got to see a couple while we were there.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I have both, I've met a few people, but only clicked with one, though she was moving to Florida in a few months for school so it didn't work out. For the people talking about creeps and such, you're bound to run into them anytime you date new people, just have to move on and keep meeting new people until you find someone.
11 years


If you get stretchmarks on one side chances are you'll have them on the other. Though there isn't any rule that says stretchmarks have to pair up one to one, they will differ and it is totally possible that you could get random mark on one side and none on the other. It all depends on how the body grows and the skin adapts.
11 years

I secretly have the hots for..

tubbykins wrote:


Oh wow, I'm going to have to agree with this one.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Saphiel Sir wrote:
New Eeveelution:

Update: It's English name is Sylveon. It's not known what it's typing is though.

YouTube vid here:

I've heard that it's going to be a new light type, but it's all just speculation so who knows.
11 years

Washington artist seeks muse

Young, learning artist seeks model/muse to help him transcribe the beautiful, growing female form. Payment will consist of delicious meals and couch cuddles.
11 years