
You know the best way to do this is not to appologize about what you like, just write an ad about what you want, what you are attracted to and don't mince words, say that you like fat, that you like a belly and a woman is going to come across it and say "wow, this guy likes the way I look, perfect!"
A big woman will know deep inside that she is sexy (at the very least, maybe she knows consciously that she is), it is only natural to gain weight and big being sexy is a few thousand years older than this short lived fad for starvation.
Once you are that guy that gets it, you are in and all the others are not. A big woman does not want somebody that accepts her half assed, or merely likes her body, she wants somebody that LOVES it.
This is of course not all about the body, on the contrary, dating is all about mental values and how well you fit with somebody, that is much more important than looks.
As guys, we tend to get a little lost in looks and focus on them too much. The result is that you have great sex, but nothing to talk about and the relationship does not last. Because staying up all night, bonding with conversation and great talking, were you share and get to know that beautiful being opposite you is much more important and lasting than a night full of sex. (even though that is not bad neither ;-)
8 years

Funnel and tube feeding

I have done it in real life, both giving and receiving, with a tube going directly into my stomach.

Do you know of videos of that? Not just having a tube go into your mouth, but having it slide down inside you?
Would love to see!
8 years

Olive oil instead of cream?

I have drank olive oil and it really does work, it does fatten you up. The trick is to not get your tongue overloaded with the fat taste. Cream is easier to drink and I was always trying to mask the heavy fat taste of olive oil, and found some tricks:
1. freeze it into an ice cream tray, make pellets that are not too large. You can swallow these bit by bit, without tasting the oil and just use something yummy to drink, flushes them right down and adds little fat bombs to your diet.
2. drink the olive oil directly. This can also be hot, since you are really drinking pure fat. The danger is that the taste of pure fat makes you gag, but I found that a good way is to have a drink ready to chase it down right away, to be very fast about it. So that the fat stays in the mouth just a very short moment.

I also try to gain healthily and was always using olive oil for that. The important thing is to not use too much of it, because your belly won't be able to absorb it. Just do like 25 to 50 ml max to start, but do that every 8 hours or so, you will notice if your belly takes it, as otherwise not all of it will get digested. I found it really exciting to realize that my belly was getting used to digest that much fat and that I could up the dose.

I also gained steadily with it, I now know that the fat rolls I got at the back of my neck are from that. It is a wonderful sure fire way to gain.
Just make sure you use real olive oil, because more of them are unfortunately fake and mixed up with cheaper oils, especially the ones that get imported from Europe (almost sure that they are fake). There is a study from the University of Davis about it, but more about that next time.

8 years

Why does it seem like most male gainers are gay?

Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm straight too (with a tiny little bit of bi). And I'm on grommr too, a friend convinced me, even though it is not what I'm looking for, but the attention you get there is just wonderful, I feel so special and loved, people writing you and asking you how you are, REAL interest. On feabie, my inbox stays empty and writing women is most of the time a total, utter waste of time.
So it feels wonderful to feel appreciated for gaining.
8 years

Why does it seem like most male gainers are gay?

I would say that this is because gay guys are really out about what they like, they are not in the closet, they love their bodies fattening up. And they are not shy to say it, that is why it might seem that there are more of them. But truth is that many hetero gainers are just in the closet and sadly female feeders, especially in the USA are not really helping things by being so secretive and often being in the closet themselves.
It is really hard for a hetero guy to get compliments or getting positive feedback from women that are into this. I stopped wasting my time and am not writing female feeders anymore, they never answer and I guess since there are so few of them that are open about it, they get swamped by all the guys wishing to be fed and/or they can have their pick of hundreds of candidates and just takes the best one.

I like initiatives like horngry (the magazine) as it boosts awareness and makes both women and men realize that it is normal and beautiful if a woman helps and makes a man gain and fatten up and that the woman could be fat or skinny, it does not matter. (sadly, I have known some female feeders that did not come to an BBW event to meet BHMs because she felt awkward of being the only skinny woman)

I think it is admirable that gay guys are so open and gung ho about it and are not afraid to go after what they like, it should be a lesson for bi or hetero guys and gals to come out of the fridge (ehm, closet), it would be a better world for everybody.
8 years

Funnel feeding

I have, both receiving and giving and I usually tend to go even more extreme ;-)
8 years

Very dominant women into force?

I'm both a feeder and feedee and as a feedee, I can get super submissive. I have this huge powerful urge to just grow and expand and grow fat really fast, to be pushed to gain.

I know that many male feedees are like this, but so far have never met a female feeder that is.
So I'm just curious if there are women out there that have the reverse fantasy about pushing a gut to gain and her being in to massively obese guys, wanting him to reach that stage sooner than later.
I know that you women are not only into the feeding aspect of it, I know that it takes more to peak your interest in a man. But given the rest of the chemistry would work, do you have fantasies like this? Force Feeding?
8 years

Female feeder (24) in maryland looking for a male feede to fatten and adore

I love how you straight out say what you want. One that knows what he/she wants will always find it!
I'm gaining myself and love it. I do have a feeder already, but would love to chat and hear your experiences and wishes about it.
8 years

Bedroom problems with non-fa boyfriend

I have some own experiences and some advice, but you might not like it.

I believe that people are what they are, their sexual likes will never change and so the reason that you can't have orgasms is because he is not feeding you or wanting you to grow, which you need.
I used to be in your situation, but then I met feedees and had the most incredible sex ever, I could turn on a woman by just touching her belly and telling her how much I love how fat she is and that I want her to grow. It is like a match made in heaven. I magically got a lot of women to orgasms that never had much of one before, just because they needed to be fed and have a feeder that understood what they needed and wanted.

Now, that I have experienced the best sex in the world, I have a hard time enjoying it with people that are not into it. I also started gaining and am now also a feedee and want a woman that is into my belly, into me gaining. If a woman does not like my belly or wants me to lose weight, I can't even consider that as a valid opinion, because I feel she is just plain wrong and has no clue.
I know what I want and I can't unforget how the sex was. I have met women that thought they were not very sexual, because they had never been fed and then had sex and realized, oh no, they were super sexual.

It has to fit and be the right thing for you and not everybody is the same.

Now I would recommend that you tell your partner that you are like this. Because sooner or later, it will come out anyway. And if he is totally against it, then I'm sorry to say, you will probably never have satisfying sex in your life, if you chose to stay with him. I'm sorry, this is not what you probably want to hear, but one cannot deny your true self, unless you chose to live unhappily ever after, in constant sexual frustration.
People do that, they prefer not to have satisfying sex just to keep a relationship. But my experience has been that relationships like this don't last, because they are not based on the very deep thing that connects us, love, passion, sex, intimacy.

So you might delaying by not showing him and then later you will want to be recognized and seen still.

Like Shakespeare said: this above all else, to thyne own self be true!
8 years

Ff vs real life... why can't we have the cake and eat it? :-)

Oh, another important thing that has always worked for me:
Make sure you meet feeder / feedees in real life, whenever possible. This make sure they are real people, not just some online lurker, that is wasting your time. If you realize that they are deep in the closet, have no pictures or only 1, forget it, they will never meet you.
Once you meet them, you can start dating, meaning that you just get to know them as you would anybody else. BUT you will know they are into what you are into. Sadly, there is absolutely no real life community about feederism, people hide something pathetic and all my efforts to organize regular large meetings where people can get to know eachother have failed.
This would make things so much easier, having all people into this in a group. But you can still meet 1 on 1.
8 years