What's your motto?

Some that have stuck with me recently these:
"It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to."
-Walter Linn

"No man ever wetted clay, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune."

"Be as scrupulous in performing a minor commandment as a major one...for you know not the reward it will bring."

"Endurance is patience, concentrated."
-Thomas Carlyle

One that I like the best right now is this one:
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
-George Bernard Shaw
11 years

Currently listening to?

The A Team covered by Birdy
11 years


I've gotten better with my fear of heights, you still won't find me on high-rises though. A good 15ft up on a ladder is great for me, or however tall most climbing walls are.

As for others, I'd have to say:
-Fear of rejection
-Somewhat fear of failure
-Fear of suffocation (painful way to die)
-A tiny fear of death
11 years

I find this odd.. do others?

It could be some kind of subconscious thing as well. Perhaps you don't want your friends to know. Also it could have something to do with when you realized you were attracted to fat people, gaining and/or feeding. Your friends may have been in place long before those feelings were ever brought to the surface. smiley
11 years

New star wars films...

blazin wrote:
So I guess this makes Leia a Disney Princess now.


I surely hope they don't resurrect Vader. There are still plenty of badies for Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie to combat...courtesy of the books approved by Lucas himself. Plenty of lore to follow. No need to bring back Vader. And how are they going to resurrect him? Luke burned him to a crisp...unless. THOSE DAMN CLONES!smiley
11 years

Favorite cartoon

There are way too many to choose one.
11 years

Your list to santa this year

For me:

-A punching bag
-Hand and feet wraps
-Climbing rope
-A specific type of resistance band
-To spend either Christmas or New Years with my girl (she had to move so it's a bit of long distance relationship now)
-For my girl to lose some weight (not because I want her to but because her knees are bad and getting worse)
-For people to know me before they judge me
-Bioshock Infinite
-Assassin's Creed 3
-Necessary funds for a year's worth of martial arts and fight training and the help of a nutritionist
-Some bondage toys would be fun too
-Could do with a new car, but that's a bit of a pipe dream
-Lots and lots of iTunes cardssmiley
-Gain 20 lbs...mostly muscle lol
-To create 3 dishes for different cuisinessmiley
11 years

Favorite super hero?

I always liked Bond...James Bond. Growing up. There was something about 007. He always had a plan, and it also somehow included getting the girl. LOL

Alas he has no superpowers so I'd have to say any of the X-men, Johnny Storm or the Silver Surfer.
11 years

This or that?

Beiber. At least he's clean and doesn't have glitter herpes.

Boxers or briefs?
11 years

What is 'health' anyway....?

I'll attempt to answer the OP's question.

Health at a bare minimum IMO, is merely a measure of one's fitness, meaning their chances of survival, so that can reproduce. Fitness takes into account physical attributes, psychological attributes, societal and environment attributes, etc.

Outside of that there are economical and societal definitions that have been perverted and used to promote an attitude and get people to spend money.
11 years