Need a feeder

Likewise, I'm looking for a feeder but they seem to be very hard to find, or difficult to meet.
8 years

What you feel after gaining

Just feeling so much rounder all over.

People definitely seem to like hugging me more often.

Being told by a friend that for a big guy I've still got a cute a*s.

Feeling more self confident as I continue to grow bigger.

Enjoying filling out all my clothes and in some shirts even finding that I can feel the breeze on the underside of my belly as it continues to expand outwards and now also to the sides.

The feeling of sitting down in to a seat and feeling that the fit is getting more and more snug over time.

Buying bigger clothing than I need then finding that I actually do need it as I'm growing bigger than I thought.

The feeling of abandon at being able to eat whatever I want, regardless of how fattening it is (in that case I have bigger and more servings hahaha)

And being able to set gaining goals in the how that I'll reach them singer rather than later.


And still hoping to find a feeder and push my gaining in to a higher gear...
8 years

2016 weight gain goals

Up to 25 lbs would be great..

If I can post at the end of 2016 and say my weight is 275 lbs I'll be a very happy and very, very chubby fella, hahaha.
8 years

It finally happened...

Firstly I'm surprised there haven't been more replies, but congratulations on gaining and enjoying it, it's a roller coaster however, find as you grow bigger you'll want to get even bigger!

So, as for telling people, be careful with this. I've told only one friend in real life, though his boyfriend is now a chef and i kind of harbour a secret desire that he has told his boyfriend and together they'll fatten me up heaps! 😉

Anyway, look, grow and enjoy it, if anyone saus anything just look them straight in the eye and say "hey, I'm comfortable with myself..." If they look at you word add a "why! Aren't you comfortable with me since I've gained some weight?"

Realistically though, judge things as they progress.

Good luck and happy gaining!
9 years

Sympathy weight gain

I'd love to experience sympathy weight gain with my wife if she were pregnant.. At least kilo for kilo if not more!

Though considering I am single and probably can't have children I'd guess that I'll just have to keep getting fatter by myself.

Congrats on the baby!
9 years

How big do you wanna be?

The goal keeps expanding with my waistline!

I used to think 250 lbs but now I'm hoping for 300 lbs with at least 25 lbs of that this year by Christmas then the next 25 early in the new year of 2016..

Perhaps at 300 I might aim higher or scale back a little, wait and see but I definitely want to try 300 lbs to say I've done it and to feel proper big and fat as I think 300 is in that category...
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

I'd hazard a guess that I was a naturally thin person. In fact I was I think borderline anorexic when at 1.88 m (6'2"smiley I was no more than 55 kg (120 lb?).

After a lot of work and a hell of a lot of food...

Today I'm proud to say that I'm double that weight and still growing...
9 years

Stretch marks on men

Oliver Hardy wrote:
I love my stretchmarks, they remind me of the piggy I am smiley

Somehow though, it's a strange fenomena. I have quite some faded stretchies on my belly and hips from previous gaining times. Lately I've been regaining some of my lost fat and what happens ? I'm rewarded with new stretchmarks. Somehow I'm curious because my skin should have enough growing space since I'm still at least 50 pounds away from my former all time high. They haven't appeared on my belly yet, but on my lovehandles/hips new and way wider stretchies show my recent gluttony. I estimate them at least 5 times wider than my original stretchmarks. And they are already quite long. Maybe it's a result of gaining 30 pounds over the past 6 weeks ?

Anyway I intend to make them even bigger, wider and longer over the next months !

Oliver, can you share your secret to gaining 30 lbs in 6 weeks? That sounds very hot and wow is definitely end up with stretchmarks if i can gain like that...
9 years

How big do you wanna be?

When i was 55 kg i thought getting to 70 was going to make me huge and really fat.

Right now I'm around 108 kg and on my way back up again and I'm currently aiming for 135 kilo by Christmas 2015 (so 300 lbs) and i think right now that this will be a huge look for me etc, but if anything of gaining over double my bodyweight over 10 years had taught me is that at 300 lbs I'll be looking at 350 lbs and thinking, it's not that much more...

Watch this space but i feel I'm definitely going to end up on the much larger size of my goals than i ever thought i would..........
9 years

Gainer appetite changes

Maximum wrote:
6. I can't get away with not eating as easily as I used to.

I could go for days skipping meals once without ill effect, now it makes me feel like crap if I miss even one meal.

I agree, 1 to 5 are all there plus Maximum's number 6... i find that now almost never missing meals in fact the other night without even realising i had 3 full meals, all completely different, bizarrely after the 3rd one i felt i could've had a 4th meal!
At this rate i can see myself getting absolutely huge very fast because everything seems to be compounding faster as i grow!

I can't wait to see how much it's all compounded when i reach 300+ lbs! (Currently about 250)
9 years