How do you bring up this type of thing a boyfriend who's not into it?

Nanabobo wrote
After a while, if he still hasn't agreed, just play the guilt trip on him and let him know it's his duty if he really loves you to help you be happy.

lol wtf?

Curiously, this sort of question is more often the other way around, guy trying to introduce it to girl. So in that respect, I think you have the advantage as I personally think a guy is less likely to freak out over a fetish.

Regardless of gender though, I think the same advice applies, you need to talk to him about it, start slowly, get a discussion going, i think just linking the site really throws him in the deep end. Ask him what he is into and then he'll be in a position to ask the same of you.

Take it easy and I hope all goes well. smiley
13 years

My wiegtgain update

this isn't the weightgain section...
13 years

Confessions pt. 2

AwakeAtNight wrote
First off, I'm suicidal(mainly just suicidal minded) but I have attempted a few times in the past and i'm pretty much always alone which just forces me to contemplate about actually going through with it.

My best friend has D.I.D.(Dissociative Identity Disorder) for those who don't know it means she has multiple personalities, and were very close and have been for years but one of the alters doesn't respect it and treats me like shit and we live together and sometimes when the alter is out she just doesn't come home and it makes me feel like i'm going insane because I have no idea what's going on and the alter doesn't make smart choices.

Also I have a very hard time being alone at night, my mind won't stop trying to convince me to just end it all.

Most people I come across treat me like absolute shit before even knowing me which is insane because i'm a very nice person and always try my hardest to help someone in need if i can.

My life is basically at a stand-still because no one wants to hire me and i've tried so hard to get a job and have gotten rejected so many times that right now I can't even try anymore so i'm just stuck with my parents. People usually judge me for being different, and it doesn't help that i didn't finish high school because of a learning disability.

Sorry if this is too long, I needed to do some venting.

Also generally I have a hard time trusting people because of past friendships and relationships.

I feel like i'm just not supposed to/allowed to be happy because everything always ends in tragedy.

Basically I feel like I live a cursed life.

13 years

It asks for that they have children they are going or them to have?

Weesha wrote
Children should be kept out of anything sexual related.

and that's the black and white of it, locking this thread.
13 years

Weight gain/being fat leads to increasing chances of cancer?

Computersaysno wrote
Maximum wrote
Dredhed wrote
There're studies "proving" anything and everything. I can't site one, but yeah. There have been studies that link that. I doubt it's a direct link, though.

Sounds right to me.

EVERYTHING causes cancer these days, I used to believe everything that was written when it mentioned a "study" but have started to notice that the majority of these "studies" tend to be incredibly one sided and usualy funded by those who benefit most from the results.

So, as with everything these days, i'd take the information with a grain of salt. smiley

A grain of salt? A grain of salt???


Don't you know how deadly that stuff is? There are studies, I tell you, studies! Dear folk of Fantasy Feeder, do not follow this dangerous, subversive individual, he is determined to lead us all to destruction with his sodium-rich habits!

[small]{Cheers for the set-up mate, played for and got I'd say. smiley}[/small]

You know they say more people are having heart attacks cause of too much salt rather then obesity these days? smiley
13 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

Slim4SSBHM wrote
Being a Feeder is not a phase. Let see my earliest memories are of fat guys....

A real Feeder/Feedee relationship if ur lucky enough to find it is 24/7 LIFESTYLE


I disagree, this is a fetish for me and i only want it to be a fetish, an aspect of my life which i hope to share with a certain someone among the many other things to share in life.

I have no interest in building a life around the fetish, I imagine that would get boring pretty quick and there is so much more to life then feeding/getting fat.

Of course, what i'm describing isn't the only way, same as what you described isn't, everyone is different. smiley
13 years

A cherpumple- three pies in a cake!

this reminds me of that friends episode where Rachel wants to cook the thanksgiving dessert but ends up combining it with shepherds pie thanks to some stuck cook book pages... Everyone hated it, except Joey of course. smiley
13 years

Weight gain/being fat leads to increasing chances of cancer?

Dredhed wrote
There're studies "proving" anything and everything. I can't site one, but yeah. There have been studies that link that. I doubt it's a direct link, though.

Sounds right to me.

EVERYTHING causes cancer these days, I used to believe everything that was written when it mentioned a "study" but have started to notice that the majority of these "studies" tend to be incredibly one sided and usualy funded by those who benefit most from the results.

So, as with everything these days, i'd take the information with a grain of salt. smiley
13 years

All eagledancer data will be deleted...

Professor Fatology wrote
A) I posted this (and I find it instructive the post I left in the general forum has been removed by a mod) as an alert to other members of Fantasyfeeders. This is not a case of “Oh, well, that’s just the internet for you…” Similar sites like and value the privacy of their members in a way Fantasyfeeders obviously doesn’t. If they can block internet search engines from their sites, Fantasyfeeder can as well—as it already does from its photos and profiles, but doesn’t bother to do so from its forum posts. And Maxie—I’m getting a bit tired of “Oh, this site is run by a single person, so anything that goes wrong should be excused.” This site is NOT run by whoever the person is who owns the site—it’s actually run by (what I assume) are volunteers like you and Ms.Ripples. Similar sites like Beefyfrat and Bellybuilders are in the same situation in terms of ownership, but they respect their members’ privacy and block internet searches in a way this site could, if the owner chose to do so, as he already does for photos and profile.

Well the exact same thread was double posted in two sub forums which is most likely why the other thread was trashed. It also seems like this thread was getting the responses which the general thread wasn't. Personally I would have just had the one thread in general as this really has nothing to do with weightgain, but moving this thread there is outside of my powers.

As for the "running" of the site, the mod team is more like quality control then anything else. We have no real control over the site other then the content posted by the users. All technical, financial, legal, and any other aspect you can think of in regards to running the site is in the hands of our beloved Hiccupx.

I think its wrong to understimate his contribution, investment and attatchment to this site, it is the product of years of hard work for him and i find it kind of insulting to regard a problem with the site as "they don't care".
13 years

All eagledancer data will be deleted...

You could always just change your name, would change it for all previous posts too, no need for a new account.

I kinda figured it was common knowledge not to use details on the net which you use in other aspects of your life, lol, I have always made sure that there is no way through any of the information I post to be able to trace back to my real identity.

As for other sites being more secure, well, as everyone should know by now, this site is run by one man in his spare time, you can't expect him to be able to cover everything so easily.

Whatever you decide to do, i'll make sure to keep an eye out for "Professor Fatology". As i'm sure many other members would agree, you are the kind of committed and insightful poster we don't want to lose around here. smiley
13 years