Scales... which ones

I think as long as you are consistant, and use the same scale for the measurments, it will be okay.
7 years

Remote sensing a feedee sub

What I had envisioned was more of a FIT bit watch, that could be secured somewhere on the body, that coud be queryed wirelessly and a report sent back. What biometerics would be needed for a feeder to watch over their feedee?
8 years

Remote sensing a feedee sub

If you were a dom feeder and wanted to keep close tabs on your feedee how would you do it?
Over long distances I mean, between states and countries?
8 years

Scales... which ones

depends how high you plan to go.
Here's the 440 pound scale that I've been using. I will note that mine is an older version but its a good product.
Amazon also has a decent selection of 550+ scales though once you get over 550 they get expensive.

Maybe I should start saving for it now???
8 years

You know your fat when...

You come out of the bathroom shirtless, and twirl your shirt over your head (stripper like) and are told that your belly shakes more than the shirt.

Confermation that you must be doing something right!
8 years

Peanut butter & brown sugar on toast

I will give this a try. How many calories per slice done up this way? What's the max number of slices have you had at one time w/ milk?
8 years


I think that may be in the articles section we could add a statistics page. This would show our average weight (Mean), our average bmi, our gain rate, etc.. These facts could be shown in a graph compared to previous times to show our growth and could also compare it to the global average aswell. This would have to be updated regularly though and I would imagine it would take lots of resources.

I agree.

Avg weight and age would be nice.
8 years

Laxative belly

I Iove when my belly getting very big with an osmotic lax inside!

I think I might know what type this is but not sure. Could you provide more details on the "osmotic lax"? example
8 years

Fat transformation powers

I've been thinking that if I could have any magical powers I wanted, I'd pick the power to transform people into anything I wished. I can imagine all sorts of ways that could feed into the sadism/domination side of fat fetishism. Not just fat, either, but inflation, too.

I wonder, would I use my powers for good by turning fatphobic ***s into huge, blubbery fatties and making them show us just how easy it is to "put down the knife and fork"? Or would I use them for my own amusement; wandering around, picking a random house, and casting a spell to turn all its occupants into big, juicy blueberries?

Blueberries, Willey Wonka flash back.
8 years