Heavy cream is very sneaky

I wonder, does the metamucil in any way reduce or prevent the absortion of the fat? Iam not sure, but is there anyway to reverse the effects of drinking the heavy cream. I am hopping that once swallowed and broken down by the body, that there is no way to remove it from the body.
8 years

My zoo visit

I am saddend to here about the passing of learner.
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

There could be many variables, but I think atleast a pound is possable. Combine it with other fattening foods and.....
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

That's how I use the heavy ceam. I drink it right before bed to maximize it's full potential. Not healthy, but my favorite way to pack-on the pounds. My lower stomach has gotten so soft...
8 years

Any way to add states and maybe distance when...

doing a search. Maybe away to narrow the search, say feedee or feeder, male female.
8 years

A feeder without having to date?

So far I have tossed around the want to have a feeder and like maybe once a month we get together (as long as I'm not busy or in a depression) and have a stuffing session and it is a good time and we go back to our lives, chatting through whatever.

I was looking for the same thing. A feeder that I could meet up with at a restrant (nothing fancy...just fattening) and share a fattening good time with. They would ensure that I was eating all the correct foods (you know the ones), and dessert(s)

It just seems from here, most of the men that talk to me want a relationship like right off the bat even though I list that I'm in a relationship. I just wanted to know if someone has found a feeder/feedee relationship that is mutual and just friends? Or should I just have like donations cause I thought of that too.
8 years

Love-making games...

Perhaps you would cuff and strap him to a chair, and proceed with what ever torments your heart desires.
8 years

Controling feedee's calorie burn...

Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to, monitor and control a feedee's calorie burn? Ways to slow it?
8 years

Mocha butter cream iceing

I had the chance to try a piece (0k, it was more than one piece), of a cake that used Mocha Butter Cream Iceing. It was was fantastic! It has to be good, it has three of the words that are so close to a feedes heart.

Does anyone have a recipies???
8 years


Maybe I have missed it but there is no forum about stretchmarks and those who love to see them on their feedee - or maybe I am the only one

shall we start one devoted to stretchmarks and growing them?

8 years