Smoking and extreme obesity

Jeep JK driver here and the climate/ earth is going to do whatever it wants and to think "man" has any ability to stop it is foolish thinking.
Oh and I used to smoke but quit back in 2014 and yes I did gain a bunch of weight after quitting.smiley
4 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

There is no way to put on weight "real fast" it takes time and how your body processes what you put in it.
I would say eat larger portions at each meal and eat something before you go to bed.
The guilt or shame if people notice thing you will just have to get used to it because people will notice.
I felt guilty at first so I know the feeling.
Once I figured out nobody really cared if I put on weight it was not a problem.
My Mom still gets on me for being fat but I tell her to mind her own business LOL
4 years

How can i calm my friends?

Just take some time and check if he would still love you even if you didn't gain any more.
There are some scummy guys who would just feed you and then dump you when you got fat enough to not gain more.[/quote]

That is something I agree with totally.
If he is about the same age you are then by the time he reaches 21 he will be a very different person and so will you.
Making a decision now thinking you will always be together is a foolish thing to do.
You know you can gain weight on your own so you don't have to have him feed you.
I thought I knew what love was at 18 and that I knew most everything.
But I was wrong and I can admit I made some very bad decisions and I am still paying for them.
4 years

How can i calm my friends?

Did you tell your parents about him being a feeder and you wanting to gain weight?
If you did sounds like you made a mistake.
Sometimes its best not to say anything.
I would suggest moving out on your own.
You are 18 so its time for you to move on with your life.
I left home at 17 against my parents wishes and went on the road playing guitar in a band.
Talk about my parents throwing a fit because I was sleeping in a van with 3 rock and roll
4 years

Has anyone spoken to a therapist about this kink?

I think a lot of people just have guilt issues.
It can be guilt over just about anything I suppose.
It sounds like you are embarrassed about liking overweight women.
Its just what you like no need to be embarrassed or feel guilty about it.
I wouldn't even call it a kink its just what you prefer.
I have always dated big guys because I am attracted to them. I don't feel embarrassed to be with them in public.
4 years

Is heavy cream the same as double cream?

Basically yes SS eat more and more often.
If I wanted to speed up my gain I would have a good stuffing weekend.
4 years

Is heavy cream the same as double cream?

I never worried about all of that stuff I just wanted to gain weight because I was skinny and tired of it.
I admired big sexy women and wanted to be one.
It took me 8 years to get where I was happy with my weight and I kept gaining after that because I liked it.
4 years

Is heavy cream the same as double cream?

There is no way to know where the fat will go that is up to your body and how it processes what goes in it.
If someone says they did this or that and gained just in the butt or just the belly only is lying to you.
The first time I was a gainer I gained a lot in the hips and butt and very little in the belly or face.
I lost weight for a few years and when I started gaining again I got a bit wider in the hips but gained a lot in the belly and I ended up around 420 lbs.
I have no idea why it all went to my belly but thats where my body put it.
The whole process is amazing and fulfilling so why not just let where it all goes be a wonderment of the human body.
Enjoy the ride and don't worry about it.
4 years

Is heavy cream the same as double cream?

The best way to gain from my experience is to just eat more at each meal time and snack on whatever you want when you want
More food in = more calories as a result gain weight.
There is no magic food that will make you gain weight faster than your body is willing to do.
It takes time for your body's metabolism to adjust and for fat to accumulate.
What type of fat you gain and how much and how fast is up to your body.
Not sure what your goal is but if you are under the impression Oh I will gain 50 lbs by Thanksgiving or Christmas for example its probably not going to happen.
4 years

Climate change

The "green new deal" is anything but environmental and people should be scared of those who push legislation like that.
4 years