Feederism outlets

It depends on your relationship with feederism. For me mine doesn’t typically extend into real life much. Yes i am excited by tales of weight gain. Yes I am excited by muffintops. Yes the opportunity to stuff someone if that was what they wanted or I don’t know it is so oddly specific for me of a headspace for it that feederism for me simply exists as masturbatory material. It’s split from my relationships and what I want from a partner. My boyfriend knows about it. He is perfectly willing to read stories to me or make some up to get me excited if I want or need that. But I do not want him to gain nor do I want to feed him. Also I would be a bit annoyed if he got fat. Like if he did it on purpose. I am very attracted to him in every way. He’s super fit and has abs and all that. Hes an amazing person and all the things I want. So for me I write about feederism. I write stories. I recount memories, fantasies, dreams, people, random annecdotes, I watch porn, i read it, I get off to it. I am more comfortable with that. I told him that one wrong word, or my mindset changing during him trying to tell me a story about it, would make me shut down. It would leave me embarrassed and feeling guilty for asking him to participate in something he isn’t into. And yeah he said that there is no reason to feel that way. He said he would be happy and turned on cause of my enjoyment. Anyway for me it exists as a separate part of my sexuality. And I am way more comfortable with that. I have been a feeder before and it made me wildly uncomfortable and it felt like someone had violated my privacy. So yeah it’s whatever works for you. I made this choice on my own because of my relationship with this fetish. Human sexuality is interesting like that.

That's really interesting about having your partner read you erotica. I've never considered that before.

For me, I read erotica by myself. It's an intimate moment that's almost meditative in a way as I explore my most vulnerable parts for the sake of pleasure. I feel like involving your partner can be a beautiful expression trust and care.

I'm not sure if it's something I'd do with my partner, but who knows? I could whip it out if things start getting stale. Could be fun.
5 months

Lower leg skin issues


I have lower leg skin rashes lately, have cortisol cream from doctor. It most likely mild Stasis Dermatitis. Do others have this and how do you manage it.


Sounds like you have edema.

In addition to the steroid cream, keep the skin hydrated. Petroleum jelly does wonders for that. Also get some compression stockings. Elevate your legs when laying down. Take sitting breaks if you are going to sit for a long time.
5 months

How much do you care about your own health ?

You're exactly right.

A few years ago, I remember hearing about a horrifying, relevant situation, which I believe took place around Cleveland, OH.

I would guess some users might get a thrill out of this story, but that is absolutely not the intent of it. If anything, a cautionary tale.

So, there was this woman,who weighed something like 650, 700+ lbs. She really needed an MRI scan. But.. problem!

None of the machines at the hospital were large enough to accommodate her.

The Cleveland Zoo had an MRI machine in the veterinarian's office that would be big enough. But, it wasn't licensed and certified for use on humans, and maybe this really shows ignorance, but I'm pretty sure that licensing process can't be completed in 1 day or a few hours as a rush job, nor do I know what's involved in the licensing process.

I have no idea what the outcome of that was, but even without knowing this, this is already a severe complication and a scary situation.

I wish I could find this chart again, but 600+ lbs does solidly place you well above 0.5% on the distribution curve (this means 99.5% of individuals weigh less/have a lower BMI than you do).

Of course, it's all about girth (and the girth of the machine) and no, I have no idea what her girth was at the widest point.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if the hospital administrators simply didn't anticipate this situation would ever arise. I don't know how old the hospital is, when the MRI machine was procured, or what was going through the minds of the administrators, or what doctors said while being consulted, prior to procurement.

This is the experience I'm living right now, in the wake of a medical emergency last week. While much of the medical equipment is built to accommodate my weight in pounds, my girth presented one issue after another (circumference at the widest part of midsection was around 110 inches). Even the height of the OR table (or rather the inability to lower it beyond a certain point) was an issue.

I'll just say, being too big to get the care you need quickly in an emergency isn't fun and it isn't a thrill. It's pretty scary when it happens.

Yeah, it's wild. Firstly, I'm glad you were able to get the care you need.

Secondly, at least in America, the more difficult it is to treat you, the more expensive it is. Some of it might not be covered by your insurance. Others are but you have to jump through hoops to get it covered.

So if you are hellbent on getting too fat for medical care, you have to make sure your money is right. I know some feedists are into health issues. So that's you, don't bankrupt yourself or your loved ones. I've seen posts on here from feeders boasting about how they left their too fat feedee in a nursing home or completely abandoned them because the care was too much.

Be safe on these streets because these streets ain't safe.
5 months

Fattening boyfriend

New updates

1. He left for two weeks with work and didn't have much food there so he lost some weight. Anyway, before this he wanted to lose some weight, but now when I told him he lost some, he told me that he didn't...and when he checked the scale and saw I was right, he told me he'll gain all the weight back

2. When he cams back, his annoying mother told him "you didn't lost much weight there, I expected more" and his answe was "I didn't need to lose any". I was amazed, it's the first time he acts like he doesn't want lose weight at all.

3. We went to shopping, looking for a new suit for the next month when we'll go to a wedding. But every time I found something which was his size, but kinda tight...well, not tight...I mean it was exactly his size, not even an inch loose, he was asking me to bring him the next size because, let me quote "What happens when I gain weight?". I just loved it.

Happy for y'all
5 months

Finding real people

You’re not alone pal. I really wish I can find the right girl to care for and feed on this website.

Sir, you've been here for 4 days. And your profile is even worse than OP's.

You call yourself a "loser nerd." I know you meant that to be funny, but women see that as a red flag. We see it as you being an emotionally insecure little man-baby who will make that other people's problem.

I know dating is hard out here on these streets, but accounts that aren't even a week old with barely any site interaction and shitty profiles have no legs to stand on.

I’m sorry

This is not something to apologize for. This is something that you internalize the feedback and do better.
5 months

Finding real people

You’re not alone pal. I really wish I can find the right girl to care for and feed on this website.

Sir, you've been here for 4 days. And your profile is even worse than OP's.

You call yourself a "loser nerd." I know you meant that to be funny, but women see that as a red flag. We see it as you being an emotionally insecure little man-baby who will make that other people's problem.

I know dating is hard out here on these streets, but accounts that aren't even a week old with barely any site interaction and shitty profiles have no legs to stand on.
5 months

Finding real people

Hey FF, i’m a 19m on here looking to meet people that are actually interested in chatting but it seems like almost everyone is on here to promote or just try to get money, am i looking in the wrong place or does anyone have any tips? thank you 🙏

Imma level with you, chief. It looks like some of your problem is self-inflicted. You barely engage on the site, your profile is barebones, and you tell people to hit you up on Snapchat.

No one worth talking to is going to take you seriously. It screams that you're here for a warm, bam, thank-you ma'am, and little else. So, naturally, the only people you'll attract are those looking to make a buck or get free food.

There's no sign of your personality. We can't tell who you are as a person. Your profile briefly touches on some of your likes, but it's primarily in service to you being a feedist. That's not enough to make people want to talk to you.

I assume you spent most of your time in chat. How often do you talk with people in gen chat vs sliding into DMs? Most women will sus men out before giving a guy the time of day to make sure he's safe and is worth their time. I'm sorry to say, but most women will not take a chance with your profile and site participation as it is now.
5 months

Male pear

A member informed me I am a pear shape.


It is very rare shape. This is a blessing among ssbhms to be a pear,

I am interested to know more and why is it rare?

I legit wanna know how many people are actually ssbhm-enthusiests. Because that's not true.

There's this idea that men tend to have apple-shaped bodied while women have more body diversity when gaining. This is what we call a load of hogwash in my neck of the woods. Even got into an arguement about it with a couple of male members once.


As you can see here, pear-shaped men are the 3rd most common body shape. So it stands to reason that pear-shaped ssbhms cannot be that rare.

I will say that there are popularized body shapes. For men, it's the apple shape. It's all about having as big a belly as possible. So apple shaped men will be more popular the other body shapes.
5 months

How much do you care about your own health ?

This is NOT a judgement. I am just curious about different perspectives. I am also curious to how different the answers will be whether someone identifies as a feedee, gainer, mutual gainer, foodie, feeder, fat appreciator, or something else.
I am a fat appreciator and I care about my health a lot. I think about healthspan, lifespan, and fitness.
I exercise and I am mindful about what I eat.

How much do you care about your own health ?

It's extremely important to my feedee and me. We are on the extreme side of gaining, but not the health issues.

Initially, I cared more about health than my partner. This is not to say he didn't care, but he was more ambivalent. But as he approached 500 lbs, he started to care a lot more.

I remember he had to have an MRI for an unrelated health issue and barely fit into the tube. Scared the shit out of him. He said that he never wants to be too fat for healthcare.

Personally, I think that's a really good thing to keep in mind. Once you reach a certain side, the medical world isn't built with you in mind. I don't think a lot of feedists think about that.
5 months

Encouragement to keep going

I feel like a part of what has me going back and forth with gaining is the lack of encouragement. I feel like I'll have good stuffing days, but when I don't see rapid results and I'm not getting encouragement to keep going, I end up backing off on gaining before I can really go all in.

Skill issue.

This is a self created problem. You're so focused on the gains that you are not having fun. I've read many of your posts. You put your body through hell, but you aren't a masochist. No wonder you're struggling.
5 months