Happy easter

Happy Easter. smiley
8 years

Name calling..

I posted a bit about this for people in the 'how to treat other members' sticky, and it does indeed bear repeating for people:

4) Following on from above, while this site incorporates many fetishes, remember that others do not necessarily share the same fetish and/or kinks as you. For example, calling someone a 'pig' or trying to humiliate someone if they haven't actually said on their profile/pics/etc that they enjoy that, isn't a wise idea. Also they may practice their fetish in a way that is different to you.

In other words, don't launch into the 'pig' talk or insults or crudeness right off the bat with someone. Take a look at how the person describes themselves and what they have written about themselves on their profile - this should show how they like to be treated and what words they like to be used about themselves. It's not hard at all, can take minutes or seconds to do so.

If they invite humiliation and stuff, by all means go for it! It's fun - when both people are into it. Many people are not, however, and that's something that always needs to be kept in mind. Don't assume that everyone shares the same fetish and/or kinks as you.
8 years


theunknown 3 weeks ago, oram@chef.net'>doram@chef.net

Banned him again. And regarding some other stuff he posted earlier...

hey so i've been feeling this for the short time ive come on this site that im uploading pictures "for guys" i uploaded some pics for fun as i am a guy, but when i go to "whos viewed me" it's just guys, do the women here even care about guys here? there are some great male pictures some are very handsome and i actually dont mind guys hitting on me i feel flattered honestly but it would be nice if a lady commented or messaged me for once, im not complaining see loads of guys pouring in messages on woman pictures but not a singular lady has even viewed my profile i find it a bit disappointing also when i click on a good looking guys picture they are struggling to get past 60 views but any woman easy gets 600 views regardless of which one it is, im not exclusively gay been bi curious for a while but seems a little too much one sided i have some great pictures up of my own but seems like guys are here for women and men are just spectators, i mean i think i got a great body i think some women should check out the guy section in general and appreciate it more, am i right, talk to me about it what do you think, personally the guy section just feels redundant yet obligatory i kind of feel as a guy its a waste of time uploading or writing anything since women are absorbing all the traffic and it doesnt feel like i would get a real relationship out of it guy or girl, there has to be more to this than just looking at pictures and leaving but it feels like that is what's happening right now
theunknown 4 days ago

Hates gay people then claims to be bi-curious, right.

Yoou dont show face so i dont put like or comment or use viewing limit on "ghost" pictures, but good luck with your endeavours
theunknown 17 mins ago

Usual complaints from him.

i tend to be picky with wanting face and body in same picture or video, but it's up to you how you spend your money, i rarely hit the viewing limit but i was talking volume of content is not that much, in my opinion i can "afford" to be picky
theunknown 3 days ago

Rarely hits the viewing limit yet he complained about it all those other times lol. Again he was holding back and not being too bad but then the obnoxiousness crept out of him again. The idiot just can't help himself. And yes, I did take down his handiwork for archival before banning him, you can see it below.
8 years


He forwarded the same email as above to us again. -shrugs-
8 years


Another random epiphany; he ranted about men with fat guts and moobs and said they were part of a problem that needs to be handled but got mad when that woman only wanted to date skinnier guys and said he was bigger himself, along with doing that whole pieprincess thing all over it. He's really not well.
8 years

Tv show/movie thread

I'm mostly waiting for new episodes of Steven Universe to be released.
8 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Apparently CoroCoro will start releasing info on Sun and Moon starting from the next issue released on April 15th 2016. All will be kind of quiet until then.
8 years

Is there a way to unblock some one?

Go to your profile, then the 'my account' tab, then the 'blocked users' tab and click the red x under their name.

8 years