What's the most amount of weight you've gained in a short period of time

When I first had to go on the med dilantin I gained 68 lbs between Dr visits. ( 6 months)
4 years

Clothes for gaining

Just a tip from this female's point of view basketball shorts don't look good for everyday wear in public. At home maybe.
Just buy jeans that fit for now and wear them.
4 years

A weight gain shake question

I tried it but never got much out of it other than a huge belly ache.
Might work for you tho'.
Let us know how it works for you.
4 years

Anyone a smoker?

I used to but quit in 2014.
I enjoyed smoking so I don't get on to people because they smoke.Its a personal choice.
Why did I quit you may ask I don't know I just did.
4 years

I’m outgrowing my fat jeans.

Guy sizes go by the waist womens are different
No 32 was the largest size I used to wear in jeans. when my waist was over 60 inches.
4 years

I’m outgrowing my fat jeans.

26 thru 32.
I was down to a 24
4 years

I’m outgrowing my fat jeans.

I'm back into wearing my smallest fat jeans.
4 years

(!) cannot fully log out

Not had that problem yet but they asked me a week or so ago to update my Email which I did but they asked me again.
I guess they don't read messages you send them because I never got a reply
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I agree ease into it and let your body adapt to it.
No set time before you see results its different for everybody.
It works and you will gain.
The key to gaining is stay with it and don't give up because you aren't gaining as fast or as much as you would prefer.
My first time seriously trying to gain took me almost 4 months to see much of a gain and I think it was only 11 lbs that actually stayed on me.
4 years

Remeron and gaining

Never been on that drug but I have taken Dilantin.
I was actively gaining at the time so I am sure it had something to do with the 100 lbs I put on that year.
4 years