
Email: Re: problem with user/ site ban?
from James Phillips

Hi my name is james ive been site banned and i wanted apolagise for trouble i caused, would like to have this lifted as i still visit through proxies and havnt caused any trouble if theres anything i need to do to regain access then i will meet any requirements you want if there is any then let me know any kind of settlement you want like i say i still get in via proxy so it's in both of our interest to allow me on again so i look forward to hearing good news from you thanks, regards

and havnt caused any trouble

lol smiley

like i say i still get in via proxy so it's in both of our interest to allow me on again

Sounds like a bit of a threat to me lol. Even when playing nice, he's not playing nice. And frankly he can come on here and not get banned - he's always getting banned because he's causing trouble each and every time.
8 years


Also lets just go through his latest plan, because I can't make any sense of it. As hatsmith he got angered at queenofthebbws for saying:

queenofthebbws 4 hours ago
im not attracted to bigger guys . chubby guys are cute but if ur the same size as i am more than likely i wont be attracted to you and because im a bbw people tend to act as if i should be ashamed of my preference . i like who i like and i dont see what the big deal is .

Responding with:
hatsmith 4 hours ago
there's a lot of big men on this site so that's pretty offensive, I've got muscly mates (male) and almost always they choose thin/athletic types, just saying if you expect too much then it's not going to happen for you....
hatsmith 3 hours ago
its a shame how u come to a big people website and still expect a somewhat slim guy to approach you when you know full well this isnt the place to expect thin or mildly overweight men, most of us are big or very big, im not sa

When he's given time off he makes the pieprincess account and leads in with:
btw I only date slim/athletic or muscular dudes just my preference.. you know if your coming at me with a big belly and beard i'm not going to like you... pics coming soon i lost my sd card fro my camera gotta look for it
pieprincess 14 mins ago

And when a guy got a little disgruntled he said:
pieprincess 1 min ago
no need to get butthurt stretch mark, your not "getting any" from me , a guy as big as me is just awkward and weird, if you want to impress me go the gym , sorrynotsorry

But people defended 'her' choices to like what she wanted and chipped 'her' on the ruder second message about big guys being awkward and weird, so... what was he trying to prove? It feels like he had some sort of idea but didn't think it through to any sort of conclusion.
8 years


pieprincess 3 days ago, supermayn@mail.com
hatsmith 6 days ago, addyisyopimp@mail.com'>daddyisyopimp@mail.com

Well it turns out that hatsmith was definitely him given the latest updates he sent to DoughBellyStuffer:

twixy , 12 Mar 2016 at 1:26pm
ya fookin b1tch stop getting me banned I WONT GO AWAY

im hatsmith where's my apolagy c u nt

dont fcking cry to admin c u n t

i steal users pictures regularyly and put them on youtube haha ***you

hatsmith 6 hours ago
LOL "harrassment" i simply called you out on your man-hating now your crying about it, typical feminazi attitude duly expected, YOU'RE not the victim here, i am, i got banned for 3 days, so fk off you really expect a funded lifestyle and no one, no man with more than 1 brain cell is gonna give you that. go cry some more, bloody cheeky b1tch, YOU are at fault here, not me. if you CHOOSE to be harrassed thats ok but its your problem not mine

Have scoured him from the site once again. As far as I can tell he also used an account called twixy with stolen photos belonging to DBS, but he deleted the account.
8 years


rwh16 2 days ago, tatjana.hanke@outlook.de

I got a vibe off this one given it's similarity to his last one. And look at the email, 'hanke'. Banned.
8 years


rmk14 2 years ago, ka2017-154@online.de

He's been outed again, he talked about... stuff to another site member in private, and he admitted his Skype name is robih65. Have banned him fully now.
8 years

Stalker story

Ms DiamondCrystals:
If it's okay with the mods, I kind of wanted to share my stalker story with everyone and invited other women (and men too i guess) to share their story if they have one and leave their thoughts if they have any.

Speaking as a mod it's perfectly fine - and sorry you went through all this, how horrible. smiley It's terrifying when people can get so possessive of other people like that. Too many times people just won't let things go - if someone's not interested, they're not interested.
8 years


twat 3 hours ago, seven77seven@usa.com

twat 2 hours ago
hey so i just enjoyed bombarding the admin with hatemail ***YOU for banning me ill say what i want about women they are vagina for hire get used to it get in the kitchen and make me a fooking sandwich C U N T

Angry angry angry, and banned.

Title: ban on Bonzo - your ban system is broken!
from James Phillips

hello ***ing idiots, feminazi shit head Honeylove whatever the *** her name listen ***, banning me doesnt stop me , i made a new account as soon as i noticed and im using it right now as i write this message,

your ***ing ban bullshit is ineffective, im using a proxy which you cant possibly ban through because there are thousands of proxies therefore im not listening or "taking heed" of your ***ing arrogant feminist crybaby bullshit, cry some more so as a red blooded man i can bask in your tears, ***,

i will say whatever the *** i please, i come to your website for myself not ***ing other people, the women on there are just pieces of meat i masturbate to and would force myself upon if i ever see them feminazi ***s like ***ing doughbelly stuffer i hate that bitch with passion,

so *** off banning it doesnt work im still using your site, setting up a new email can be done in less than a minute, im ***ing sorry for YOU and YOU'RE issues, your site rules are garbage and go over my head, i agree to my own rules, the majority of trolls have been me whats this now 15th account banned that i made?????? you think i will go away and forget but *** you i wanna say the women are just sex objects then i will because thats the truth, *** U ur ban system is ineffective, i know most of those women are depressed and i can easily manipulate them , *** you i folllow my own rules and im using your site as i wrote this

*** YOU

lol he emailed in the above 10 times, along with a single:

*** u

For the 11th and last. Who feels like some tea? I could do with some.
8 years

Definite underagers banned

JessicaRedas 15 mins ago, bodyplump@gmail.com
Cutefatboy2722 2 days ago, cutefatboy2722@gmail.com

He came back posing as a girl this time just now, banned.
8 years

Definite underagers banned

Cutefatboy2722 2 days ago, cutefatboy2722@gmail.com

Admitted to being underage, messaged a woman with:

Cutefatboy2722 , 4 Mar 2016 at 10:53am
I'm 16 years old, I just want to tell you that you are so beautifull

8 years


He came back under the username 'bonzo' to attack and harass women a couple of hours ago. He's deleted his account though, and people only managed to log one message below:

yeah i got pictures, its fake so now you can stop being ignorant, I find it irritating that the WOMEN here are not showing enough skin and hiding their faces its not ok, i need to bust my load already and its hard with clothed b1tches,

Which is clearly him compared to these logged from him before:

what's wrong with these ***ing stupuid women who think too highly of themselves posting picture in bra and and panties not even showing face like what the *** aint nowhere near porn it's just a starter to a main meal (pun intended)

hi, can admin start removing people who wont show their face and body in a picture, it feels like trolling.. i'm pretty sure the offenders know that we know that no one is gonna be interested in a headless or body-less picture, it's just irrelevant and makes it harder to find people who are showing body and face in the same picture *gasp* no , it;s not impossible! thanks for hearing me out and hope you can respond to me in haste, thanks

Edit: He came back, using the same username and obvious email. Bye.

bonzo 2 hours ago, jamesphillips90.x2@gmail.com
8 years