Weight gain spa resort

This is something I'm curious about, even if it's completely unrealistic.

Through some scientific break through, I discover a way increase the calorie load of food tenfold. If a normal cupcake has 500 calories, mine would have 5000. The quality and taste would be identical, and the food would not be any more or less "unhealthy" other than accelerating weight gain by virtue of the calorie load.

That said, I take my new found skills and open up a luxury resort, in which visitors can spend their vacations being pampered and gaining weight to their heart's content.

Let's assume people are able to gain up to 100 pounds in a two week stay, but the average is lower (based on most people not being willing to make such a drastic change).

Aside from the weight gain, it's a normal, world class resort. The high calorie menu is not secret, in fact, it's advertised as such (to clarify, we don't secretly fatten up our clients, they come to us for it).

Now, obviously - this would be all over the news, and it would be almost completely negative press.

But how successful would such a business be?

I think it'd be extremely successful, honestly...

Would you go to such a place? How long would you stay? How much would you aim to gain if you had to go back to your ordinary life at the end of the stay?
11 years

Ideal weightgain relationship?

fat apple wrote:



Le sigh.

Yeah, this too... 110%
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Me personally, in situation #1, I'd probably take one at first, then one a couple of weeks later - and eventually stop after gaining 30-40 lbs... unless I decided I wanted to be bigger than that...

In situation #2, I'd be a lot more creative. I'd routinely swell up to higher weights, and do all kinds of crazy stuff. I'd get on the subway at a weight sufficent enough that I need to take up two full seats, then down about 30 M&Ms, and gain about 150 pounds in a couple of minutes. I'd act annoyed and rush off the train muttering "I can't believe it happened again..."

I'd basically go for reactions.

I'd show up to my job as a client, weighing about 500lbs... just to see their faces. I mean, my face would be pretty much the same. Then I show up for work the next day 350 lbs lighter - and get asked over and over if I have an incredibly fat twin. I act confused and say no.

I'd show up to buffets, spend the day eating and popping an M&M into my mouth every few minutes.

Additionally, no matter what my normal weight was, I'd spend most of my alone time much fatter than I really am. smiley
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

These ideas are kind of out there, but I'm kind of curious how the gainers/feedees would react to a couple of "fantasy" scenarios if they came to realization.

1: You're presented with a package of 200 M&Ms. Each M&M will make you gain 5 pounds. There are no other negative effects from the M&Ms, just the weight gain. Gain would be mostly fat, but perhaps some a bit of muscle to support your extra pounds. You can take as many as you want at your leisure.

Again, the only worry you would have over taking these is 1) explaining a sudden weight gain and dealing with the reactions and 2) fitting into your clothes!

The weight gain would begin instantly, and take 30s - 5minutes depending on how many M&Ms you ate. This would allow you to watch yourself fatten up right before your very eyes.

If worried about where you would gain the weight, I'll add in this clause: you can selectively gain weight in areas by rubbing them with your palms as you begin to swell up.

Weight gain is not temporary, and can only be undo through regular means (diet and exercise). What would you do with them? Take one every so often? Take several at once?

2) Same scenario, except you have an endless supply of the M&Ms and the weight gain is temporary. At any given time, you can undo your weight gain by something simple such as pinching your nose. There would be no adverse effects to this, no loose skin or stretch marks. How would you handle this situation?
11 years

Do feeders make a difference?

I would say they do, by sheer virtue of feeding frequency.

A gainer may eat a lot of calories, but not nearly as constantly as they are capable of... a feeder may fix that.

Example: I've pigged out quite a bit this past month, but really only at my convenience. With term papers and stuff, I was more focused on school than eating at times... imagine if during those times I had someone bringing me a constant supply of food and high calorie drinks?

Another example: I'm about to head to work, but just spent an hour or so mindlessly web browsing. I'm not hungry, so it didn't cross my mind to eat anything this morning. Of course, I'm not full either. A feeder might make sure I was full before heading into work.
11 years

Gain 2 lbs a day?

10,000 calories a day is a lot - not sure it's really possible unless you are able to gorge yourself all day and tolerate massive amounts of cream and/or oil (don't try it!)...

Even if you can do 10,000 in a day, I'd doubt you could do it with any amount of frequency...

If anyone can, I'd love to know how... Saw someone who claimed to take in 40,000 calories in a day, but I'm skeptical of that without details...
11 years
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