Currently listening to

Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys
10 years

Favorite halloween candy?

Kit-kats and almond joy!
10 years

What have you eaten today ?

cookies cookies and more cookies
10 years

Gluttonous bisexuality?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I am not the monogamous type, nor am I even close to being the wild woman I fantasize about. But 'sexual gluttony' is a term that totally works in my world and I've definitely fetishized the 'more, more, more' mentality.
10 years

Your stuffing fantasy

at this very moment, I would love to ride somebody's face while eating cupcakes smiley
10 years

Currently listening to

deftones - cherry waves
10 years

Fat and height

5'4" and 320ish - short & round!
10 years

1st time some1 dug your chub?

I've gotten a lot of attention from 'chubby chasers' since I was a teen and started growing more shapely/curvy, but I don't think it clicked with me why until this one particular time when I was about 18 and hanging out with a friend who was always very flirtatious. I remember he was telling me how gorgeous and sexy he thought I was and started talking about the different outfits I had worn around him recently and how he liked the way certain ones fit my breasts or showed off my belly. I think that was my kind of 'aha!' moment. And to this day I love to hear the same smiley
10 years

Stuffing with honey

I think it could be fun. Also, making a mess with it could lead to some other sexy activities and that's quite appealing. I vote yes.
10 years

Currently listening to

mumford and sons - babel
10 years