Change username?

Not sure where to post this but how do I go about changing my username?
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

I think it would be fun to hear what everyone's "fat lifestyle" is like. The basic idea is you give us an idea of an average day in your lifestyle.

For the sake of inclusivity feel free to respond even if you're not fat and just want to share, but the goal of this post is definitely to gain insight into the fat life (can also be useful for anyone that wants to emulate a lifestyle that's fatter than theirs)

So here's the format

Are you intentionally gaining weight:

Do you gain weight every year:



Avg calories per day:

Avg # of meals per day:

Typical meals eaten on average day:

Exercise amount:

Laziness level:

Relationship with food:

So for me a response would like like this

Are you intentionally gaining weight: Not currently

Do you gain weight every year: My weight has plateaued naturally

Weight: 200lbs

Size: Chubby

Avg Calories per day: 2200

Avg # of meals per day: 3

Typical meals:
- turkey sandwich
- buckwheat, veggies and chicken
- snack assortment/dessert meal late at night

Exercise amount: 1hr walk and sometimes weight lifting

Laziness level: Not very lazy, will travel up and down stairs frequently, don't often look for excuses to be sedentary

Relationship with food:
I mostly eat when I'm hungry but I snack for pleasure. I sometimes eat to improve my mood when I'm down.

What's your lifestyle look like?
2 years
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