Not looking at scale?

I've found that scale watching tends to discourage gaining in the long run. People get turned on as the numbers go up and up and that's wonderful, but they get equally upset when the numbers stay the same or, gasp, go down. You can tell your girl friend is getting fat just by looking at her. When you get intimate, you can feel the new pounds and inches. That's a bigger turn on than what any scale can say!
7 years

Will my ass and boobs grow when i get really fat?

Fat cells go where they will. Genetics plays a role. Look at the women in your family and see where they gain the weight. Fact is, I think what you'd LIKE to do is body sculpt, would that that were possible. There probably would be a LOT more hour-glass figures, lol
7 years

Helping non feeders/feedees understand

It's hard to get people outside the community to truly understand what's going on in your head. The NEED to gain is who and what you are, in many ways it defines you. It's impossible to separate the desire to get fat from your basic personality. Most people don't get that. They can't fathom the true obsession you have so their reaction is apt to be either revulsion, condescension, or just a blank stare of complete dumbfoundedness!
7 years

You know your fat when...

You know you're fat when your belly enters the room two minutes before YOU do!
7 years

Not looking at scale?

When a gainer gets all wrapped up in the numbers game, plateaus can be VERY discouraging. Thing is, plateaus are inevitable. Point being, you can tell your girl friend is gaining if her clothes are getting too tight for her, she's finding it harder and harder to move around, and she's just getting BIGGER, no matter WHAT the scale says!
7 years

First belly (nervious)

It's natural for you to be insecure. For better or worse, people judge us by our appearance, and this is especially true for women. You may get all sorts of praise for LOSING fourteen pounds, but at best you'll just get "that look" if you GAIN it.

One thing is for sure, you have to really WANT to gain if you truly let yourself go because the pounds will come quickly and you MAY change your mind about the gain only to discover that it's a whole lot easier to gain than it is to diet and exercise.

I'd suggest you gain slowly. Enjoy the journey. If the comments you receive (and you WILL get them make NO mistake about that!) bother you, stop the gain, even diet a bit. But if you come to the conclusion that being fat is what and who you are, then I'd say go for it, you should pardon the expression, whole hog!
7 years

Fit to fat

Shows your competitive spirit!! Now you want to WIN at the game of gaining!!
7 years

Feeders, i need your help

Grazing, that's the way to go. Snack all day, keep the belly comfortably full!
7 years

Weight gain goal for christmas

Goals are self-defeating. weight fluctuates in an unpredictable way. Just go with the flow, the fat will come!
7 years

Feeders i need your help!

Graze all day, don't try to stuff yourself, just keep on putting things in your belly!
7 years