Are there any actual feedee camp that still operate

I can think of a business model that could work with fat houses.

Really? How would that work?

Based on my observations, the market just isn't there. Or at least, not enough of a market to support a sustainable enterprise.
1 year

Are there any actual feedee camp that still operate

When I first heard about "fat camp", I totally thought that it was where people went to get fat and I always wanted to go! 🥲 Now you're telling me that what I hoped for doesn't even exist 😭

Sorry to disappoint. It's fun to think about, but I don't think there's a viable business case for it. But hey, at least there's cruises and all-inclusive resorts! That's probably the closest you can get to a gluttony weight gain paradise.
1 year

What whould you want fantasy feeder to have?

Being able to search users by height.

This is already possible. This search criteria is next to weight.

BMI would be a useful search tool as well 🐷

This seems like it should be relatively easy; it's basic math as a function of height and weight.

This site has so much potential but I don't want to ramble here.

I'll just list a few things off

- Chat complete overhaul
- Chapter finder for stories
- Faster and easier system for verification
- A verify members only forum sub section: like a perk for users to want to verify

Overhaul to do what instead?

Chapter finder? A very easy work-around is to change the number at the end of the URL, though a little thing at the bottom where you type a number and click "Go" may be better. Unless you mean something else?

Verification - I don't know how it can be any faster or easier while keeping the human element which is essential.

Verified Members only section? That should be okay, since it's not ultimately exclusionary (except to scammers).

Also, option to chat with members and not just send them limited emails. As a social network it not very social.

This is a very common pain point and has been for years. I don't know if the current system is the best way, but it's to help prevent, or at least reduce the following problem:

Scammers/spammers sending messages to everyone.

It also has the side benefit of encouraging premium memberships, the only viable source of revenue for the web site, since there isn't much in the way of viable advertisers. There might be other ways to encourage premium memberships, though it's not yet clear how that may happen.
1 year

Car with belly room

There was a big lady who lived near me and had a vl Commodore with the front seats removed and had the controls extended to the back seat. The doors were also modified for her to get in and out easier.

Slightly off-topic from this thread, but I kind of want to see pictures of that car. I'm really curious now.

Though, more to the topic at hand and the OP's question.. I don't know what kind of budget you have in mind, or what's even really available there. But, I wonder what options there might be for full-size vans in Australia, or how viable that might be?

Think the type of vans you may expect plumbers or electricians to use, with a sliding door behind the passenger side door, and you can walk from the rear to the front pretty easily. It also has the side benefit of being far easier and safer to get in, if you had to parallel park on a busy street.

Here in America, full-size vans tend to have a LOT of interior room, even in the driver area. And, there's passenger models with rear seats.

There's also minivans, but those will be smaller. They may or may not have enough room, I don't know.

You would also likely want to favor models with an adjustable tilt steering column, if possible. I've also heard of some models with power adjustable pedals.

If you're considering the used market, I hope there's an Australian equivalent of CarFax to give you information about the car's title, like if it's salvage, flood damage, etc.

I'm sorry but, I can't imagine a Kia Soul being big enough. Unless it's like Dr. Who's TARDIS, which is bigger on the inside. For awhile I had a neighbor with a Kia Soul, and it didn't look that big.

I have a Camry, circa '01, and I know Australian models are the same on the inside, other than being RHD to suit the local market. I'm not sure if it could accommodate a 400 lb driver that well, much less 600+ but I guess you can try.

There's also the Toyota Celica and Camry Solara, which being coupes, mean a wider, larger door though I don't know if the seat will move back far enough.
1 year

Can we get the ad section split into looking for feeder and looking for feedee

I like the idea of a standardized posting title, perhaps for new threads after some specific date.

I do not however, like the idea of having separate sections for feeders who seek feedees, or vice versa. It overlooks the possibility someone can be both, or may be open to more than one dynamic. I would prefer to discourage cross-posting.

I'm not even sure if I like the current split, but that's a topic for another time that would deserve it's own thread.

But a standardized posting title? Something like ASL but more in depth? 110% hard agree! I've seen similar mechanisms used elsewhere to great success. When I have more time, I'll try to come up with a proposal.
1 year

Kik scams?

Noticed 3 "women" on here have similar days in which they started a kik profile.
Their English is... off for someone from North America.
Is this becoming more of an occurrence on this website?

It's been a problem for awhile, though I think it maybe really took off at the start of COVID. Actual mass scammer operations making profiles on just about any web site, mobile phone app, etc. or at least any that allude to the possibility of a romantic relationship.

The English is usually broken either because the scammers don't know it that well, or the text was run through Google translate from their native language.

We do our best and try to ban them as they come up, but it's like playing whack-a-mole.
1 year

Are there any actual feedee camp that still operate

At this point, there's none that I'm aware of.

In the past, I used to hear about something that I think was called the "Gainer House" (or something like that) which was near Seattle, or somewhere in Washington State.

But, a couple caveats. 1. It's not in operation anymore and hasn't been for years, the biggest one. 2. The primary focus and intent was on gay men from what I recall, not that they'd turn away straight men (which would be likely illegal) - kind of like a gay bar I suppose. I don't recall if they had accommodations for women.

Bottom line is, I don't know if there's enough demand to support such a thing.

That said, is there even much need for that? Cruise ship vacations and all-inclusive resorts exist, and from what I understand, the food is virtually endless. Order a drink package and you could pretty much have a drink in hand all day long.

I once heard a cruise ship employee almost swear the average tourist gained something like 0.5 to 1lb a day while there, and they're not even trying.

Only thing is, you'll probably need a passport. Very few cruise ship itineraries are all in the same country, and most countries don't appear to have any all-inclusive resorts at all from what I can tell.
1 year

Why do you want to get fat?

It means I can actually enjoy food and eat more of it, rather than just the minimum to barely survive. And eating the bare minimum means a lack of energy. Of course, the downside is that I get hungrier when it's not convenient, but you get used to it and plan around it. You even look forward to it.

In America, there's NO social advantage to being skinny in any circle, if you're male.

You're more attractive to more women too. You have the softness they love to hug, even thin women too.

Some ladies joke about wanting a Chippendale or a 6-pack but let's get real, almost no one is like that. Someone who works full-time or more, can't go to the gym daily and be bored out of his mind. I almost wonder if that's where the "dumb jock" stereotype came from; it's damned BORING to spend too much time at the gym.

Same reason I don't want a gym bunny. Give me a teacher, a scientist, professional, etc. who just loves yummy food and well, might chow down on cake or other sweets while hard at work.

Subjective maybe but it seems like almost every man who's even close to successful, is at least "overweight" if not "obese" according to the CDC. Try to find anyone who has an income of at least 6 figures who isn't "overweight."

I feel more confident with weight gain, too. I love that I take up more space.

Sitting down is more comfortable too. Maybe the extra fat on my ass helps with that?
1 year

Body fat distribution

Building on that, same gender if possible, and the closer the relation, the more accurate.
1 year