Bigger contrast?

Angelique wrote:
If a guy ever complained about my boobs, he would be dumped in about 1829 seconds. Approximately.

Wow, half an hour? Why would you need that much time? smiley
11 years

Pregnant bellies :)

So, are you already pregnant, or looking to get pregnant with this person? Or just wanting to enjoy the fantasy?
11 years

How fat would you like to be?

300lbs has always been my magic number.
11 years

Weight gain doubts

Nothing wrong with taking a break to reassess everything. I gained from 145lbs to 165lbs and stopped for similar reasons.

I really don't like my fat face, I wish it was the one area I didn't gain, my family also started to make little comments to the side, but more out of concern for my health, probably the biggest thing that stopped me though was finding out from my doctor that my cholesterol had gone up. Gaining by gorging on fast food is not the best method. smiley

The one thing I can't really relate to is your issue with the media. I mean, sure, sometimes I think I should have a strong chest and six pack for the sake of any girl I want to be with, but really, it doesn't matter.

A wise man once said on here, there will be people who find you attractive when you are thin and there are people who will find you attractive when you are fat, as well as every size inbetween.

I'm not sure, maybe it's a gender thing, more pressure is definitely put on women to be thin.

I think the best thing for you to do for now is to not focus on any weight change, going up or down and just take the time to enjoy your body as it is now, really get to know it, and in the process you may discover which way, if any, you'd like to go.

Also, not to be biased or anything, but losing weight is hard, dieting, exercising, etc, not to mention hardly any fun. smiley

Good Luck!
11 years

Told my girlfriend....

Gratz man, another guy living the dream. smiley
11 years

Youtube gainers?

BiggerThanZoe is amazing, i'm not sure if it's on her account, but there is a vid of her small and then bigger, comparing, and it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

She's also has a profile on this site I believe! Not sure if it's the same name though.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

Jazzman wrote:
In the Dimensions Weight Room there is an old story called"Before and After" by B J Morris.
A slender model signs an 18 month contract to be photographed for a diet ad. She must then gain weight to be photographed as the"before" model. Very good story.

That sounds awesome!

I had an idea once for a guy doing an ad for new supersized options for Maccas or something, they'd take shots of him normal as the regular size and then he'd have to work to become like a sumo wrestler so they could take shots of him as supersized. Much fun to be had, alas, another story I never wrote.
11 years

Is feeding cheating????

Yes, I find feederism a more erotic act than sex, for myself at least.
11 years

Favorite super villan

Ariday wrote:
Also, Freddy Krueger. Turning your own dreams against you? That's messed up.

Ooh, yes, he's awesome!
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

Wow, I’m surprised the OP didn't delete their account after all that lol.

Answering your question mate, yes I was definitely conflicted, and I shared the same feelings, guilt, shame, self-hatred, it basically consumed and made me fear my own sexuality from before I even started school up until I found this site and realised I wasn't the only one.

Now before anyone jumps on my back about degrading women by not embracing my fetish, let me clarify, my fetish has always been one of feederism and weight gain, I’ve never had just a preference for fat women, I find women of all sizes attractive, yet I can only get turned on by the idea of feeding and fattening and weight gain.

As such, the thoughts which caused me so much pain were those I’d have of my fellow female classmates being force-fed into extreme obesity, inflated like balloons, magically waking up double their original size, etc.

I couldn't help these thoughts, they made me feel good, yet I spent my childhood and puberty trying to escape from and deny them, because I could think of nothing worse than actually doing that to these poor girls, or heaven forbid, tell them this is what I think about them. I was a shy, quiet guy, I was terrified of how demonised I would be by everyone if they ever found out what I secretly thought about at night.

Fortunately now I know better and am a lot more comfortable with my sexuality. I'm aware that there are others, both men and women who share the way I think and feel. I know it is possible to share this fetish with someone else, be it just the fantasy or some degree of reality.

So take it easy my friend, maybe get more involved in the wonderful community here or on other related sites, and allow yourself to become comfortable with who you are, because there is nothing wrong with it. smiley
11 years