Fat and sick... : (

Thanks, Munchies.

Got my marching orders! smiley
7 months

Fat and sick... : (

I love weight gain and love my recent expanded shape, but I recently got a head and chest cold, and MAN it's been harder to breathe comfortably when you are constantly coughing!

I know that this can be a difficult symptom whether you're fat or thin, so I'm not implying that this is an exclusively "being fat" issue.

But I've already been a little more winded going up and down the stairs quickly - now with the head cold, it's really taking it out of me!

Any additional recommendations for dealing with being short-winded? Or is this a bit of a wake up call to start moving more once I get better?
7 months

Bringing up feedism to a therapist?

I am SO HAPPY for you!

It is an incredibly liberating feeling to talk to someone about your authentic self - especially if you feel you have to hide who you really are.

Keep up the great work and I hope that your ongoing journey helps you to feel more satisfied with life and where you're headed!
7 months

Practical fat habits

Omg - baby carrots with PB are amazing. It's one snack that I tell myself is "reasonably healthy", and easily lets me sneak in 500+ calories with those two little cups!
7 months

Who was thin and got fat

At 5'9", I hovered at an athletic, runner-type body 160 - 165 lbs throughout high-school, college, and most of my adult life.

I hit my mid-40's and it was like a switch flipped - I jumped up to 180-185, then decided to try gaining a bit. The allure of 200 was kinda calling me, but I was only able to get up to around 195 before losing some.

Last year, I double down and started eating like a trash compactor.

I blew past 200 and I'm now waffling between 220-225. (Mmmmmm.... waffles.)
7 months

Feeling like you got fatter overnight


And sometimes it confuses the heck outta me because I'll hop on the scale to see how much heavier I have become.... and it will be LESS!!!

Such a weird disconnect! I'll feel positively huge and visibly look chunkier, but the scale tells me that my look isn't coming from an increase in weight, per se.
7 months

A reminder to everyone in the community

This thread makes me happy. Sending love to all who visit and aim to build people up, promote positivity, and treat others with dignity and respect!
7 months

How fast heavy cream will effct?

I use heavy cream years ago. It were 3 weeks and week break during 2 months.
1/3 liter per day - about 1000 additional kcal.

It was crazy time because then I drank heavy cream, GOMAD and eat bigger meals.

Drinking a gallon of milk every day sounds like far more trouble than it's worth.

Your profile says you are Polish. Milk costs on average 4.35 zlotzy per liter. 4.35 zlotzy comes out to about $1.09. This doesn't seem too bad until you remember that a liter is about a fourth of a gallon. So that brings it to about 17.40 zlotzy or $4.36. That comes out to 121.80 zlotzy or $30.52 for a week's supply of milk.

And that's assuming you can fit all the milk inside your fridge. Maybe you don't mind multiple trips to the store, but a lot of people try to go at least once a week.

All that aside, the GOMAD diet is actually dangerous.


Mathing gonna math - lol

I'm giving my MVP trophy to Munchies for not only doing the money conversion, but then the metric one, too!
8 months


My weight isn't even if half yours. But in my country (family etc.) I heard comment about my weight: most of about health and fit.

I have in my family cousine who's now about 450 lbs (most of life +/- 170) and rest of family called him black sheep.

Now I'm closing 200 and trying to resist new comments. But I'm ONLY 198 😣

For some people, comments are a turn-on, but everyone is different. If anyone, family included, makes comments that make you feel uncomfortable or disrespected, you always have the right to set your boundaries.

"I know you care about my health, but I'm not comfortable with comments about my body."

"I'm going to ask you to please refrain from commenting about my weight. Thanks in advance for understanding."

"I truly am thankful for your concern, but it hurts my feelings when you criticize my weight."

"I'm happy with myself as I am."

Your weight DOES NOT make you a "black sheep", and it never will, regardless of whether you decide to gain or lose. Ignore the critics and enjoy your journey!

Love this post - thanks for a great reminder and examples!!!
8 months

Thanksgiving hits a little different

So glad to hear you had such a great Thanksgiving!

I have complicated feelings for all of the major holidays that I grew up with, which sadly makes it difficult for me to enjoy their feedist potential. Ironically, yesterday was one of the best Thanksgivings I ever had because I got to blissfully ignore it, surrounded by people who barely know it exists. That didn't exclude good food though!

I'm so glad it was a good day - especially given your experiences with holidays. Holidays tend to be big emotion days - for some this is happy emotions, positive association. For others, it's not happy, or even terrible - negative association. I try to be sensitive to anyone who typically doesn't enjoy the holidays for whatever personal reason, as often the widespread commercial version of the holidays make them seem all positive and cheery.

I'm happy that you were able to make it a positive day - in whatever way you wanted to celebrate or not celebrate! (And glad you got some good food at least!)
8 months