Have fat people ever asked you to touch or rub their bellies, and why?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’ve never asked someone and never been asked, and the few times where someone has poked my belly I’ve just about broken their finger. Just cause it’s large and Pokeable doesn’t mean you should smiley

In some Asian countries, some natives like to touch or rub the bellies of Western tourists which are rather "thick". I'm sure you would have loved it to go 😆
6 months

Has a fat person ever unintentionally aroused you by doing something with their belly in front o

The Augmentor:
Twice, both times at work.

Once, a very attractive co-worker was just coming back from lunch in the building cafeteria, and I asked her if she had ordered fries again (which it seemed like she got every day for lunch). She said that she had but pointed out that she had to stop doing that, since she was gaining weight. She puffed out her belly, patted it, and bounced it a few times.

Another time, my work crush (I would describe her as "skinny fat" ) and another co-worker who is slightly bigger than her (but still only slightly chubby) teasingly played with their bellies in front of me. I'm not sure exactly what I said that prompted that (obviously we had been talking about something related to food or weight). Somehow it was like they guessed that it would drive me crazy. (They were right.) It was definitely one of those times when I suspected that I might have been "found out."

I really don't know what to think about this. You weren't too uncomfortable? 😅
6 months

Has a fat person ever unintentionally aroused you by doing something with their belly in front o

I read all your answers and they are actually pretty cool and funny.
6 months

Have fat people ever asked you to touch or rub their bellies, and why?

Just tell your stories about why a fat person asked to touch or rub their belly, it might be funny.
6 months
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