I secretly have the hots for..

Bejewler wrote:
Aladdin -.- How embarassing is that, like actually smiley

Hey, he's a handsome guy, I'd hit it.
11 years

Happy happy valentines day!

Happy Valentine's day all!
11 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

softgirl wrote:
It depends on the type of gathering really. I always just reserve and area of a pub, get an estimate number of guests and wait to see who turns up. Because there is already a social atmosphere we just chat, drink etc, we never need anything to entertain us! I can only talk from my own experience but I think all of the smaller gatherings have always been like that. I know that some bigger parties (where a venue was is actually hired out for just FF people, 50+ guests etc) there have been some light hearted games, like costume contests, raffles, guess the number of sweets in the jar etc, and that was great to bring everyone together/stop people dividing off into their own groups completely! But I don't think games really work unless there are enough of you, and they are certainly not necessary! I find it's much nicer to just chat and get to know each other naturally really! Hope that's helped! smiley

Thanks, I took that into consideration, I just got back to the meet and while not everyone could make it that wanted to, we still all had a good time. Looking forward to seeing some photos up here soon smiley
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Had a great time with everyone, it was awesome meeting you all! Can't wait to see the photos people took, I know there were some goofy ones haha.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Oh forgot to include in the recap, the table will be under Hull. If you forget the name, just come find us!
11 years

Seattle meet up?

KittyCatt and guest
McKaty and two guests
Treefingers and two guests
Cana and guest
16 people total, that's the amount of seating we'll be reserving today so if you didn't make it on the list, sorry, you'll have to come next time.
I'm going to be coding for a school project most of the day prior to heading to Seattle so if I seem a little worn out tonight cut me some slack haha. Hopefully everyone has a fun time and makes some new friends. See you there!

And just in case you forgot:
The Cheesecake Factory in Seattle: locations.thecheesecakefactory.com/wa/seattle-43.html
At 8:00 PM
11 years

Seattle meet up?

ChilvilarousBellyLover wrote:
I'm looking forward to going! smiley I should/ hope to show up around 7 to 8 ish, because the hours on my work have been extended though I will be booking it over there as quick as I can!
Well it's not until 8 so you should be good haha.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Oh, it kind of goes without saying, but I should probably make sure everyone's clear on this just so there's no confusion. You will be expected to pay for your own food and drink since there isn't we aren't doing some kind of group funded venue, and parking in Seattle usually costs money. Again, only trying to avoid confusion, let's make this a fun event for everyone smiley
11 years

Seattle meet up?

kittycatt wrote:
I would definitely go in way more than 20 mins before hand. Like they said, 1-2 hrs would be the norm so I would go off of that. If need be, ill be in Seattle all day and can make the reservation early. Just let me know! Also, a friend of mine might be coming (I'm trying to get a yes or a no out of him)

If you're going to be there and want to it put us on the waiting list that's fine, but if it's a hassle I can come an hour early and do it. If you do, I'll message you Saturday with the final list so you know how big the party is.

To everyone else, remember tomorrow is the last day to get on the guest list. See you Saturday at 8!
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Okay, update time:

So when I called The Cheesecake Factory on the other day they told me they don't take reservations on weekends (which I've never heard of but okay). However, they said they could handle a party our size but to send someone ahead of time to put the group on the waiting list. So my plan is to get there about 20 minutes early or so and put our group on the waiting list so we'll have a table when people start to arrive. I guess that means if you still want to come but didn't get in before Friday as long as you tell me before Saturday I'll make sure to add you to the guest list.

----It is still scheduled for 8 PM on Saturday the 9th at The Cheesecake Factory near Pike in Seattle.---

The table will be under the name Hull (pronounced as in the hull of a ship). If all else fails just look for myself or someone else you know that's going, there's of photo of me on my profile for reference.
11 years