Boobs, bum, belly or arms?

The Holy Trinity: Boobs, Belly, Butt. But I'm a def belly man.
12 years

Self control

Self control sooo over rated and soooo sexy when a fat feedee loses it.
12 years

I like this kind of enthusiasm

A dream come true. But, wow, two kids by the age of 19?
12 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

fatgirl19x wrote:
im gaining weight, last january was around 180. now im 289, and im still shocked about it.

109 lbs gained in 8 months? Over 13 lbs a month? Is that even possible? If so, do tell! And some before and after comparison pic are always welcome.
12 years

Feederism is hilarious

Agreed, feeding, like sex, foreplay and flirting, should be fun, humorous, light hearted, safe and enjoyable for all. I've always had a wonderfully fun, giggling time with the women I've fed. I learned a while ago that creamy fattening desserts work best: there really isn't anything more fun than feeding chocolate mousse, a pint of ice cream, donuts or shakes.
New feeders tend to get wrapped up with their over anxious desires.
12 years

Feeder to feedee

I've always been a feeder-encourager-pamperer. While I can't say my desires have flip flopped, I know that over the years the idea of being with female feedee-feeder has become increasingly desirable. There is something really erotic and sensual about having a feedee also feeding, encouraging, teasing and fattening me up while I do the same to her.
I suspect a lot of feeders feel something similar. The bottom line however is that if a feeder lives with a feedee, at some point the feeder is bound to gain some weight/
12 years


I just acquired 6 nice Cubans. I like good cigars, esp with bourbon or scotch. I also like smoking a cigar when I'm writing.
12 years

Hanging bellies?

There seriously is nothing sexier, hotter, more erotic that hefting a woman's hanging belly, weighing it back and forth in your hands, squeezing its softness and knowing you may have had a hand in its size. I love standing behind a woman, cradling her belly apron, or looking her in the eye as I heft her belly and ask "there's one brownie left dear."
12 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

Forget the lard too. Here's the best way that's work with a few feedee girlfriends. Get some Scanishake gain power (order it online, it's not cheap but it is the best-tasting and most calorie-packed), mix one envelope with a pint of cold, melted premium ice cream like Ben & Jerry's or Hagen-Dazs (plain flavors work best), a half-pint of heavy cream and any other flavoring you want (I would often mix in Bailey's Irish Cream hehehe). If you're sucking from a tube, add enough half n half to make it flow.
12 years

Are there really feeders?

Yes Virginia, there really are feeders. I for one am the consummate example of a real-life, flesh and blood, experienced, nice, normal feeder-encourager-pamperer who loves nothing more than to help a growing woman indulge her deepest, most fattening desires.
12 years