Favorite album of the year


Hey, MBV was #4. Drake shouldn't be on this, Kanye at #2 just irks me.

And I never liked Vampire Weekend but it sounds like I should probably try out this album at #1. We shall see.
10 years

The cake appreciation thread.

Anything but chocolate...

bring on the name calling and enemies!

whispers as I enter chat rooms... "that's the fat guy who doesn't like chocolate"

I do love cheesecake and strawberry shortcake smiley
10 years

Favorite album of the year

MBV....gotta love them.

but my favorite two albums every year are Sound of Madness by Shinedown

and the greatest album ever made....

Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt. yeah, I said it. wanna make something of it? lol

honestly though, I don't do radio so I never really keep up on albums other than when I see a new one in best buy.... I have no clue what did come out this year.
10 years


I've had 'em for as long as I can remember.

They've seem to have gotten larger as my belly did too, but I finally accept that they are part of my weight gains and there is nothing I can do about it.

As much as I love my gut, and accept my moobs, I still always feel a little like a girl will think "Holy crap he has bigger tits than me"

I need a 'Bro' a.k.a. 'Manzier'
(if you get the 90's sitcom reference, we can now be best friends!) lol
10 years

Achievement unlocked:

Thankfully my seasonal job is just that. Literally!

Hickory Farms will be gone from this mall on the 27th and from day 1, the manager hasn't really cared about me and the Kiosk I was hired to run.

I hate it, as I would hate working at amazon it sounds. lol But it's a nice side income that is actually going to be HUGE in helping my next film project. Then in January, back to web design/sales and filming. smiley

Keep up the good spirits OniGumo and don't be afraid to DRINK some good spirits too! lol
10 years

Your quickest gains?

When I first started gaining I put on 17lbs in 7 or 8 days. It was awesome.

of course, I was also working alone on the overnight shift at Krispy Kreme and ate 3 or 4, sometimes 5 dozen in one night before going home and sleeping for 10 hours. That was probably the cause of it.
10 years

Weight gain retreat?

Vegas has all day buffet passes?!

Why am I still in Philly?! Krykies!
10 years

Breaking bad!!!!

Guess I'll be the hater.

I don't like it.

After listening to friends talk about it ALL THE TIME and say things like it's the best show ever, I clearly had to watch it.

The only thing that kept me watching was the cinematography and direction. I admit the story was very well thought out and they had no problems with consistency. But after managing through 33 episodes, I refuse to watch it anymore.

It's slow. It's semi-boring. The Gus character drives me insane. Cranston, Gunn and Paul are spot on with their acting- but the dialog is relative shit. I know I'm not a genius at writing, but I know when a script should have been redone to be a little more captivating.

I'm amazed I mad it past the fist 10 episodes it was so damn slow. But I was at least learning from the transitional scenes and the unique cinematography they gave us to help benefit my future projects. Other than that, I don't get the phrase (and never freaking will):

"Best Show Ever"
10 years

Dear ff community

Wait. Are you telling me this isn't over eaters anonymous?

DAMN IT! I went to the wrong place, AGAIN!

Might as well have a pizza, then I'm going to get on the Shinedown Fan Forums and start talking to them about my model train set.

*Disclaimer: I don't have a model train set, or a pizza. All facts in this story are fiction. Names were changed to protect no one.
10 years

Ssbbw's at work

jonw3000 wrote:
Don't shut where you eat.smiley


I learned that the hard way, many years ago. I dated a co-worker, we broke up, then I left the company and good paying job because I just couldn't stand the site of her anymore.

Save the drama for your mama!
10 years