
Softgirl - quite.


I don't know that, in fact I'm not sure why you're asking me that, I cant assume what you believe in, the point of this question was to find that out.

You don't need to know what I believe in to answer my questions, as my questions were about your proposition (in so far as the one word "relative" alone is a proposition), not my beliefs.

The purpose of my question was to show the logical impossibility of moral relativism, as it is impossible to have meaningful answers to the questions consistent with the relativist answer (for exactly the reasons that Softgirl explained).

How would that work you ask? I cant answer anything because the basis of all your questions rely on me assuming what you believe, something I cannot do. Once you have some input I'll give you a more informed answer.

Why do my questions require you to know anything about what I believe?

Elanor - is the proposition that truth is a social construct true? Is the truth of that proposition also a social construct? If it is a social construct, it would be possible for there to be a society in which truth is not a social construct, but universal; but if something is universal, it must by definition be universal to everyone, not just the members of that society. In other words, your statement, "truth is a social construct" can only be true if truth is not, in fact, a social construct, meaning that it cannot be true at all.
9 years


eultima wrote:
Do you believe morality is universal, or relative?

Do you believe that whether morality is relative or universal is relative or universal? Might morality be relative for you and universal for me? And, if so, how would that work, exactly? If not, how would the meta-universality of morality be capable of being consistent with the relativity of morality?
9 years

London meet september indulge

Tonbogiri wrote:
THis looks most excellent! I will be there smiley
I wonder if there is a rule against bringing cake. Hmm.

I can say from personal experience that bringing cake is strongly encouraged; especially home made cake. Indeed, if I can make it to this one, we might exchange recipes.
9 years

Overwhelming male population?

foxglove wrote:
The male population massively outnumbers the female on here. Which is why I find it perplexing there isn't more male bonding and mutual support on the site. Take photo comments for instance. I leave lots of comments on other girls' photos because I think they look great, I can empathise, or because I think it's nice to give credit and encouragement where appropriate. I see other girls do this for their sistas too. I don't see as much of a spirit of camaraderie amongst the male population of the site. Especially given there are so many of them. Maybe men are (more often than women) afraid of looking "gay" if they comment appreciatively on a fellow guy's photo? I'm sure that's not true of many, I'm just hypothesising. Maybe men aren't as nurturing and empathetic therefore can't see the point of supporting each other with comments? Maybe men don't have those skills as they haven't needed to develop them given their historical dominance? Whatever. But upshot is: all the men should go and puts a friendly comment on another dude's photo today!

Interesting thoughts. I rather suspect that this may be because heterosexual men tend to prefer not to interact with or even think about other men when thinking erotic thoughts. Quite why that should be I do not know exactly, but perhaps it is related to an instinctive desire to clear competitors out of the way before actually procreating (and making oneself vulnerable in the process).

I am not sure that this has ever actually been studied properly; it would make an interesting subject of scientific endeavour.
9 years

Reading someone's profile

I always read the profiles: some of the most interesting information is on the profiles.
9 years

Yes, it's back. Apparently, it was brought down by a server crash.
9 years

Indulge 19th july, london

Glad that the cake went down well! A nice bit of cake is always worthwhile, I think.
9 years

Indulge 19th july, london

Welsh cakes or Victoria sponge...?
9 years

Why im here...

Dear goodness, where do all these idiots come from? What do they actually do in day-to-day life?
9 years