When did you realize you were attracted to fat people/how were you introduced to this community?

In junior high and high school I always found myself drawn to plump, chubby girls. As I got older I discovered Dimensions Magazine which celebrated fat women and found myself very attracted to the women who were gaining weight and turned on by it. That led to the online Dimensions which I still subscribe to. From there I discovered Big Cuties, Stuffer 31, and this community 8 to 9 years ago. As I have gotten older, I find myself more attracted to SSBBWs thanks to sites like this. While I love fat women of all sizes, beautiful women over 300 lbs. really rock my world.
4 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I have broken numerous dining room chairs, some at friend's homes, which is embaressing but inside secretly exciting to me. Have also broken outdoor folding chairs and numerous toilet seats. Finally found some plastic ones that hold up quite nicely.
4 years

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

I personally had this experience back in my mid-30s. Got tired of the yo-yo dieting and decided to just eat what I wanted, when I wanted. Gained 130 lbs over a ten year period and loved it. My wife has also given up trying to diet which makes me very happy. Has put on 50 lbs. so far.
4 years

Women fat makers

It's a dream about obesity with love. Every pound for her. Measurement of weight and her smile when she sits on my full stomach.

Love your description. I would love that as well. Having a woman fatten me for her own sexual pleasure would be such a turn-on and so much fun. And if she were a mutual gainer it would be even better. So erotic, so sexy.
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I was in shape and 175 lbs. throughout college. My high in high school was 205 lbs. After marriage I began putting on weight slowly but surely and when I reached 205 again I found myself getting turned-on at the thought of just letting myself go. Over the next 10 years during my 30's I packed on 130 lbs. and reached a high of 305 lbs. I decided just to live my life, never diet, and enjoy all the foods I love. I have settled in around 285 lbs. which seems to be a set point for me. I am 5"10" and have a 60" belly, and 54" chest and hips with very large, full moobs. I have really enjoyed being fat.
4 years

Looking forward to the fattening winter

I love the holiday season. All the treats, desserts, comfort foods that are high in calories. I usually put on at least 10 lbs. between Thanksgiving and New Years day. I love just letting myself go and fattening up even more. So much fun, so delicious, so erotic.
4 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

[quote] I don't think this qualifies as secret feeding. It is more like encouraging someone to do something they really want to do anyway.

Yep, this! We were at a bbq, and he was debating about having his mini bottled shot of limoncello "now" or "later".

I made the point that he could enjoy it now and if he really wanted one, get another one later (since he was thinking of saving it for the flight he was going to take later that day).

About an hour later, I happened to walk by him, and he ended up having his lil shot "now".

The only main turn on aspect of this for me as a feeder, is that he's a bit over 300 lbs.

That's about it smiley

I love the thought of this. To have a woman like yourself encourage me to eat more and take pleasure in my expanding 60" belly. I know I would totally succumb to you and continue to pack on the pounds.
5 years

Any other people really into the idea of a world where obesity is normalized and encouraged?

I would absolutely love it. The fact that the obesity rate in the US is now over 40% means we are well on our way. Another 35% are overweight. Just love the thought of obesity being the norm and everyone celebrating it and trying to become even fatter. Such a world would be so nice.
5 years

Anyone like to humiliate fatties

Plz tease me, turns me on so much

I have seen your videos Laura, you are turning into a luscious fat pig. I know how much your soft fat turns you on. You are going to get so fat you won't be able to sit up without assistance. Your rolls of fat will be bulging out of your clothes. You have no self-control. How could a beautiful woman like you let yourself go so much. What a fattie!
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

While I have never been in a feeder/feedee relaltionship, I consider myself open to both. I have always loved fat women for as long as I can remember and in my mid-30's decided to become a self-feeder in a sense by eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I found that I really enjoyed gaining weight and after putting on 130 lbs. and reaching 305 I have leveled off at 280 and really still enjoy self-feeding and being a BHM.
5 years