What is your starting weight in 2022? (check back 12/31/22 to see how much you’ve gained)

Yeah… you could say that. I was going to the doctor during that period almost every week and I will get weighed every time and there was this one particular week I swear to God because of the prednisone I gained 21 pounds in one week. I didn’t even know that was possible I think it’s from retaining water or something. But all in all I think I gained like 40 pounds from the prednisone.

Prednisone will definitely do that. Depression meds will too, but not as fast. Medicine-induced weight gain tends to be more rapid and "stick" more so than that from simple overindulgence. I've seen it time and again!
2 years

What is your starting weight in 2022? (check back 12/31/22 to see how much you’ve gained)

This isn’t 2022 gaining but since July 20 20 I have gained 157.2 pounds

Baba Yaga:
157?? Wow

I got a neck injury in July 20 20. Then I had to be totally sedentary plus they put me on prednisone and then I got depressed and it all added up to all of this weight gain and huge fat rolls

The prednisone had to be a major contributing factor when combined with being sedentary.
2 years

Ct/ri/ma feedees and feeders?

Sadly, New England seems to be somewhat a feeder/feedee desert. Some who claim to be seeking feeding sessions just use it as a cover for hookups or findom, not actual feederism. I'd be open to helping a female feedee without ulterior motives put on weight, but realize it's a near impossibility around here.
2 years

Sweating down there?

You might achieve better results with corn starch based baby powder versus talc. I'm not certain if it's available in Canada. While traveling, we were shocked to discover it's not available in Europe!
2 years

Being big cost so much...

I find food generally expensive, if I go Burger king I look for multiple offers, shoppings a drag, I get really cheap stuff. Its also hard getting big clothes in Spain, but I found a shop that does xxxxxl stuff

Here in the States, BK is one of the cheapest high-calorie fast food purveyors. They send lots of coupons just about every week in the "junk mail."

I used to frequent them and take full advantage. Two Whoppers or Big Kings for $5 is a bargain. A family meal combo for $12.99 also can't be beat. Granted the quality isn't as good as Wendy's, but the cost is a lot less.
2 years

Love stuffing, can’t stand eating noises

Really noisy smack their lips types makes me get up and move its just rude IMO.
I would never confront them or start a scene because they are free to eat anyway they want.
The sound of some food when eating them is disgusting to me like okra or cooked cabbage.
It kind of squeaks when you eat it eww!

Agreed, this is annoying to say the least.

The worst is trying to enjoy a meal with the over-the-top mmmmm's and groans some people make while eating.
2 years

College weight

College does a body good! The high-stress, sedentary lifestyle coupled with fast food really fosters weight gain.

It seems the Covid shutdown and remote work is taking a similar toll. Many remote workers are also college grads, and with the delivery apps it's so easy to order in.

It's like a weight gain double whammy.
2 years

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Nothing I have experienced, nor anyone I have met has made me feel as aroused as when I couldn't peel my ass off a couch for the first time, walking home from a pig out at a fast food place and having to sit down every half block because the weight of the food was just too much, sweating huffing and puffing. The states of shock when rolls of fat slop out of clothing. The limitations, or milestones of being crippled with fat thoroughly lurks in the being of my body 🤷‍♀️

That self-arousal which results from the consequences of your consumption will certainly take its toll. The most dangerous aspect is that it's completely self-induced. There is no external moderating force to keep you in check.
2 years

How fat would you like to be?

Call me a freakish abomination but my goal is to literally be a puddle of lard, I crave to pack my gut with so many calories that my belly apron surpasses my feet even if I were to manage to stand... Just truly trapped by the consequences of my shameless greed...

This is so hot how you're willing to let go and destroy your once tight body. While your body will likely reach a limit at some point, the fact you're so eager to push it at all costs is an incredible turn on.
2 years

Growing and exhibitionism

I am totally in the closet and I’m very embarrassed about my huge wait gain. But in private I try on all of my clothes because I literally do not have one item of clothing that fits even my old sweatpants that used to be huge or skin tight in my belly just rolls over it. So while I don’t show it it’s pretty noticeable I guess to my family seeing as I can barely drive as my belly jams into the wheel

Please don't feel embarrassed. You look amazing, carrying the weight very well. A day of cute plus sized clothes shopping is the solution.
2 years