North coast nsw

Hey folks,

Looking for anyone in the north coast region of NSW, gainers, feeders, encouragers or admirers.

If you are in to fat, and the bigger is better mentality then please get in touch. After years out in Alice Springs I'm hoping i can make some friends who are in too the same things as I am...

Perhaps we can visit the nearest all you can eat buffet or participate in some mutual stuffing sessions?

As for my I'm a gainer. I'm hoping to really ramp up my gaining this year, want to get up around 135 kilo within the next 18 months, currently around 110 to 115 range, not exactly sure of my weight for now.

Drop me a private message or post here if you are local area and we can see about meeting up, if you are an encourager I'll be even happier! 😃
9 years

How much have you gained?

When i first intentionally stayed overeating with the idea of gaining i weighed about 60 kg (I am 1.88m tall).

I'm now somewhere between 105 and 115 kg, hoping to get up to 125 within a year or two, would really like to get to 136 kg (300 lbs) at least once in my life, whether i stay that big or not remains to be seen but I'd love to just keep growing up to that size...
9 years

Gold coast, queensland, aus

I never found anyone in SA or the NT who'd reply to messages.

Though very soon I'll be in NE NSW, finally on my own property. Hoping I'll find more encouragers/feeders/gainers over there. I'll only be a few hours South of Brisbane as well.

Do you have a 50's model car?

I think making cupcakes and wedding cakes must really help to keep the scales climbing! Can I volunteer as an official taste taster for a week? 😉
9 years

Chub rub aka thigh chafing

Try sudocrem, it fixes the chafing a bit while healing the skin.

Good luck
9 years

Outgrowing your car/seat belt


The size of the inside of a 3 series v's a 5 series is definitely noticeable, I'd suggest trying one out at a car dealer, I couldn't give you exact measurements but it's decent.

You could try 2 seat belt extenders together?

I'd love to get to the point that things are definitely feeling snug in my 4wd but I think that's some way off!

Good luck.
9 years

Gainer appetite changes

Cheers Doc, just got to keep it up until I get to my optimum size and weight.

I just wish I had someone to share this experience with, a feeder or someone who just wanted to be a part of my life no matter my size.
10 years

Stealth eating...

AskDrFeeder wrote:
For those of you who have gained and gotten greedier appetites, do you ever hide how much you eat from friends or family?

If so, how?

1. Have an extra "stealth" meal before dining with them so you don't overeat in front of them.

2. Had a make-up meal AFTER dining with them, to make up for holding back.

3. Hide snacks in your bedroom, office, car, or other places.

Anything else?

All of the above!
Plus when I was visiting my brothers on holidays last week and his wife was dishing up and asked how hungry I was I've learned to just say 'very' So she gives me more food. No one argued about or seemed surprised at my clearly much bigger appetite. Infact no one even commented on the fact that my weight was much higher, up by about 7 kg from the last time they saw me.
Though I did pat my much wider and rounder belly a couple of times and content on being fat these days (Then shovel in even more food).

I guess my being bigger every visit has become the norm and is accepted. I hope for another shirt size atleast prior to my next visit, even if it's in 3 months!
I suppose by then I won't have to hide my excessive eating, hahaha.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

AskDrFeeder wrote:
For those who have gained, what changes have you noticed in your appetite have you noticed as you've gotten bigger?

1. You can eat more than you used to.
2. You NEED to eat more than you used to.
3. You crave more fattening things than you used to.
4. When you eat a lot and become too full your appetite comes back faster than it used to.
5. You have more of a psychological need to eat than you used to...that is, even if you're not physically hungry you crave food anyway.
6. Anything else?

1. Definitely. I can get thru a large pizza and not even feel full.

2. Bloody oath. I'm usually managing around 4,000 calories most days but occasionally manage up to 6,000.

3. Is eating 4 or 5 x 600 gram tubs of yoghurt fattening?

4. For sure, though is getting so much harder to get to that "too full" stage but I'd like a feeder/encourager to help me try and find it.

5. Definitely finding myself eating much more than I used to and finding that the bigger I am getting the more desirable it is to overeat more and make myself even bigger.

6a. I've found that adding certain alcohols ads to my desire to stuff more food into my expanding belly.

6b. As I continue to grow my gaining goals continue to grow as well, dramatically it seems! I now find myself fantasising getting up to 300+ lbs (currently 260) whereas only about 4 years ago I never wanted to go above about 240. Right now I feel that 300 is highly likely within this year, sooner the better is the current mindset!!!

6c. I do worry that I'll end up wanting to gain to 350 then 400 then 450, etc. Is becoming harder to slow down the Desire to get bigger and my gaining is speeding up as well (average over the last 10 years has been 13-14 lb per year (Some years involved no gaining but its an average since I first started putting on weight on purpose), this year I have put on 35 lbs, some as regain but about 12 lbs of that is all fresh gaining over about 4 weeks of concentrated gaining and I'm aiming for atleast that much again over the next 4 to 6 weeks!

6d. I've noticed the weight is now stocking around alot easier. While just away on holidays for 2 weeks starting at my brothers I expected to lose alot of my recent gains, only lost 2 kg or slightly less. So my gaining is now getting much easier so I see my goals coming around and being reevaluated much quicker!
Bring on 300 lbs by Christmas hopefully.

Doc, if managed to read all of this I'd love to know what your thoughts are on my descriptions and experiences.
10 years