Fat sex

Watch the movie 9 1/2 weeks for some kitchen sex insperation.
9 years

Fat girl bondage

Could you please post a link to this bed? I would like to take a look at it.
9 years

Md/dc/va meetup?

I would like to try and atttend. Has the place and time been set?

9 years

One way to tell....

That you are packing on the pounds, is when your wifes size 9, full cut briefs want fit over your own a**.

She took pleasure in this fact, I felt slightly humiliated.

Usually there is plenty of room, but now they are fitting tighter.
9 years

How to buy tube feeding mat'ls

Try the automotive section, seriously. They have funnels with tubes already attached, with shut-off valves .
9 years

What ideas turn you on?

Forced to hold stomach up while, wife does some "manscaping" down below. So that she could see what she was doing.

9 years

Funnel feeding

yes, its very erotic to me to be bound and funnel feed. The thought of being helpless to prevent it, and how quickly the calories go down, only to turn to fat later.

helpless to prevent it...
9 years

Funnel feeding

Sometimes did this myself with jogurt after meals - but not for gaining, just for bloating/stuffing smiley

You just used plain yogert? Why yogert if I may ask and what amont?
9 years

Healthy weight gain?

By sauce, do you mean just melting it, or is there a reciepe? How does Pb compare to HC for fast gaining?
9 years

Funnel feeding

Anyone here in to feeding their submissive with a funnel, to pack on the pounds.
9 years