Need some advice...

Tell him what you have done in the past, and get his reactions. He would probably either say he would like to try it, or it is not for him.
10 years

When will my belly start to ha

Some people, if their fat is inside of the their muscles, never hang down. It will just look like a big beach ball.
10 years

Telling the boyfriend

The safest way may be to say it in teasing or joking around. That way, if it upsets him, you can back out. If he likes it, you can tell him more.
10 years

My 600lb life - christina

WLS surgery does not work. Almost everyone who survives the surgery regains the weight.
10 years


Gaining is not a good idea if you are going to worry what everyone says. Most gainers prefer when people comment about their gain.
10 years

140lb weight gain goal

Not everyone can gain weight, just like not everyone can lose weight. If you can't gain weight, a 140 pound gain is probably unrealistic. If you want to gain, you'll need to find time to eat.
10 years

Gaining to this size

I think someone would need a crystal ball to tell you about immobility. I've seen some younger people well over 600 at average height who could get along quite well. I've seen some people struggle at 300 pounds. Remember, that as you get older, the less likely you will be mobile. If you are injured, you may lose your mobility. So, it is not only weight, but age, lack of injuries and just plain old luck to stay mobile. At your height, you should be OK at 500 pounds. Slow, but mobile.
10 years


I really don't understand that part about whose are bigger. What difference does it make? Some women have big boobs, some have little. But it has nothing to do with the size of their man's boobs. Are people saying that a man with B cup boobs can date only a woman with C cups or larger?
10 years

Ssbbw classifcations

According to the fashion industry, it is anyone size 28W or larger.
10 years

Will i get lost if i start?


My question is, if I do this, will I gain more than expected? .

I guess it depends what you expect. lol
10 years