How to convince my gf to gain?

lol interesting thread, I have to agree with Cynic and Carbon, however it does sound like she isn't totaly opposed to it, just coming up with excuses not to.

There could however be a number of reasons for this, either she does want to do it but wants further reassurance or convincing, OR she is just being open to it because she actually cares about you so much and doesn't want to push you away by being negative.

If its the former, then sure, maybe you could do more to help convince her, but obviously be gentle and not forceful, however if its the latter, then stop right now. Otherwise, she will end up gaining purely for you and if anything happens to the relationship she'll forever resent you for fattening her up even though she wasn't that into it.

It is a difficult situation and this is why as others have said, its easier to do this with someone who you know is into it, I think the best you can do is have a serious talk with her about it and see how she really feels. Just be warned that this could result in the ending of the relationship if you don't agree, although if this is important to you and not her, that may be wat needs to happen anyway.

Good Luck!

14 years

Any 'coming out of the fridge' success stories?

I think the reaction would be one of "ZOMG ARE YOU F#@*^& CRAZY?!" lol I really don't need that kinda thing on top of the natural doubt I have over my desire, I think my response would be to go find a corner and cry lol.
14 years

If you had to pick one little debbie cake...

we don't have Little Debbie cakes in Australia. smiley
14 years

"sub" fetishes of fas?

Hmm, don't know about being alone, but I think I have a tummy ache. smiley
14 years

Which country / where would you live if you could?

somewhere in europe, so every weekend i can see a different country. smiley
14 years

Health and weight gain

Hmm, not sure about blood pressure, although I've had trouble with cholesterol, so you aren't alone. I'm sure there are members here who have dealt with high blood pressure though, hopefully they can provide some advice. smiley
14 years

A couple of interesting youtube videos

hmm, interesting, the chic in the first video isn't really fat though, but shes chubby and cute as. smiley
14 years

Any 'coming out of the fridge' success stories?

Adipose wrote
I'm torn between a desire to gain and a desire to remain attractive to society in general.

This sums it up perfectly for me and i'm sure alot of other people too.
14 years

Can we reclaim the word "obesity?"

sethman wrote
I'm not sure it needs to be reclaimed, so much as reevaluated. Right now, obesity means fat to the point where it's super unhealthy. What we need to do is separate being fat from being super unhealthy. There's a big difference between being fat and just eating badly while not exercising. Hell, there are super thin people that fit that description too.

To me, obese is a disgusting word. This is the case with most people, and it's always going to be disgusting. The current use of the word only needs to change by making it "super unhealthy," as opposed to "fat and super unhealthy."

I'm really worried that that didn't make any sense at all.

Deffinetly made sense and I kind of agree, I mean i'm not overly against the term obese, but I see no need for the word when we already have the delightful "fat". smiley
14 years