
MassivelyDelicious wrote:
My boobs are too small for my body smiley id like them to be fuller and rounder like some of the ladies I see on here.
On a side note... im not into women but I kinda wanna play with some big old titties! Lol

I'm not into guys, but looking at the pictures here, you can be on this site and be into men, and still get some big old titties. lol
10 years

Ways to get a jelly belly?

Someone can probably be more technical than me, but some people have fat inside of their muscles and are tight, others have the fat outside of their muscles and are flabby. It is genetic. You can't control it.
10 years

Calling out the skinny girls

I am an FA, but some of the thin women here are really cute. Obviously no match since I am not very large (I am older and married anyway), but I hope the thin women keep posting pictures, and stay with FF.
10 years

Do female hormones help?

Female hormones have a lot of side effects. Besides blood clots and other nasty things, it will probably make you impotent, shrink your manhood, etc. It won't just give you fat breasts, it will give you female breasts, with milk ducts and nipples. You'll look like a braless woman. It will change your body smell, and will change your personality. People will probably mistake you for a woman, even dressed as a man. That seems like a lot to go through for a bigger butt.
10 years

Weight gain doubts

As has been discussed a million times here, you can't control where the weight goes when you gain. If you are prone to gain weight in your face, you're going to have a fat face.

Anyone who gains weight on purpose is going to have to deal with friends and family and society. That is pretty much a given. If you have a thin skin, then gaining is not for you. Some people get turned on when people hassle them about their weight. For people who are not like that, then you need to set boundaries as to what is acceptable to talk about, and what isn't. Whether you are fat on purpose or not, you need to let people what discussing your weight is not acceptable. Unless you live with the person, you may need to leave if they do not respect your wishes.
10 years

Are you a feedee or gainer?

I consider myself a gaining admirer. If someone wanted to be fed, I would do it. But the enjoyment for me is the gain, not the actual feeding.
10 years

"brush ya shoulders off"

I agree with the other posters. If people use written communication more now, then it is even more important to be a good speller and good at grammar. I don't mean a mistake once in a while, but constant mistakes are bad.

And the sloppier it gets, the harder it is to decipher. You remember the thing going around the web a while ago? Where a comma could save someone's life? The difference between "Let's eat grandma," and Let's eat, grandma."
10 years

New to this...

Just keep doing what you are doing. There is no need to rush anything. It sounds like you are already gaining nicely
10 years

Regaining experiences?

I think you have to look at why the person is gaining. Some people have a "fetish of the week." They read about feedees and decide to become one. The problem, is that once you gain weight, it is pretty permenent.

Others have had a life long desire to be fat. These are people who have stuffed their clothes with pillows. They may not have acted on it because they did not know that people actually gain weight.

I guess these regainers are a separate group. For some reason it sounds good, but their friends or family or doctors talk them out of it. It just takes a while for them to decide the gaining is more of a priority than listening to other people.
10 years

From chubby to fatty

Generally, in the US, the clothing indistry considers someone plus size at size 14. I think that is a good guage.
10 years